fulbright Taiwan online journal

fulbright Taiwan online journal

Author: Kristina Chyn 秦雅倫

Picture of Kristina Chyn 秦雅倫
Kristina Chyn is an Ecology & Evolutionary Biology PhD candidate at Texas A&M University and is hosted by the Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute. Her intentions in Taiwan are to research ecological impacts of roads, but also connect with local ecologists and contribute to the protection of Taiwan’s ecological heritage.

A Day in the Field with Kristina Chyn

Follow conservation biologist, Kristina Chyn, through Taiwan’s jungles as she conducts fieldwork for Fulbright fellowship research project. Explore different wildlife sampling methods in the day and night time and encounter several amazing frogs, lizards, and snakes! Her project explores the impact of roads on wildlife in Taiwan, and she conducts fieldwork to sample several locations in mountainous Nantou county of Taiwan to gain a better understanding of how roads can impact populations and communities of reptiles and amphibians.

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal