Taiwan Adventures: Reflections from a Second-Generation Fulbright Scholar
From September 1963 until August 1964, my father was part of a team of scholars from Stanford University who came to Taiwan to help establish the National Taiwan University International Chinese Language Program (ICLP). My two sisters, my mother (Barbara) and I joined him that year in Taipei. My oldest sister (Margaret), was 4 years old, I was three years old, and my youngest sister (Susie) was only one. I have a few memories of that year and a stack of letters that my father wrote to my grandmother. While my father was primarily funded by Stanford University during his time in Taiwan, he applied for and received a travel grant from the Taiwan Fulbright Foundation. As I complete my six-month appointment as a Fulbright scholar at National Tsing Hua University, I take this journaling opportunity to weave together a few of my thoughts and with quotes from letters written in 1963 and 1964. Traveling from San Francisco to Taipei with three young children was difficult. As my father reported: We got to Taipei in really bad shape; the kids fell asleep (all three of them) about 10 minutes before the CAT [China Air] flight landed. The change of weather