fulbright Taiwan online journal

Author: Cheng-Kuei Huang 黃正魁

Picture of Cheng-Kuei Huang 黃正魁
He is a Professor in the Department of Business Administration, National Chung Cheng University and serves as a Division Director in the Office of Research and Development. His current research interests include big data/data mining, information management, artificial intelligence applications, e-commerce, and soft computing. His prolific academic career includes the publication of 65 journal papers and 55 conference papers. He has been honored with the Mr. Lu Feng-Zhang Memorial Award and the Outstanding Research Award from National Chung Cheng University. Additionally, he has working as enterprise and hospital consultants as well as lecturers.


非常榮幸能獲得2022-2023 Fulbright Senior Research Grants (傅爾布萊特資深學者研究獎助金)的支持,前往美國Indiana 州West Lafayette城市的Purdue University進行國際合作交流與美式生活體驗。此次搭乘的飛機為長榮航空,到達Chicago的O’Hare Airport (Terminal 5) 時為4/24的晚上九點,因為太晚,所以先入住附近的Holiday Inn Chicago – Elk Grove 飯店,進行自我防疫隔離,兩天後(4/26)再到交通車程約兩個多小時的Purdue University 報到,並調整時差。
本次計畫前往Purdue University的Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business (之前叫做Krannert School of Management) 的目的,主要是與Jen Tang (唐正)教授討論相關研究的議題。

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal