fulbright Taiwan online journal

Author: Chung-hui Hsuan 宣崇慧

Picture of Chung-hui Hsuan 宣崇慧
Chunghui Hsuan is professor in the Department of Early Childhood Education, at National Chiayi University. Dr. Hsuan is a licensed special education teacher in Taiwan. Dr. Hsuan’s research focuses on young children’s reading development and dyslexia. She has been working on research about young children’s reading development and dyslexia granted by the National Science and Technology Council for 11years. Her research topics focus on 1) longitudinal studies on Chinese reading development and reading difficulties of children aged from 3 to 8; and 2) practical studies on early detection of and diagnosis of pre-readers who run a high risk of difficulty in learning to read Chinese. Dr. Hsuan also have been making efforts in promoting the quality of education for preschoolers with special needs in inclusive context. She contributes in teacher education by enriching their skills in executing special education and classroom management in inclusive context.


本研究以「介入反應模式(Response to Intervention, RTI)」及多層次課程調整(Multi-Tiered Support System, MTSS)為基礎,探究RTI在MTSS融合現場之實務歷程。研究目的有二,分別為: 研究目的一、融合教育現場如何規劃MTSS之實踐

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fulbright taiwan online journal