fulbright Taiwan online journal

Author: Honore Johnson 林安諾

Picture of Honore Johnson 林安諾
Honore Johnson is a recent graduate of National ChengChi University in Taipei. She recently finished a two year Fulbright Masters Student studying International Relations and is currently pursuing a career in Human Rights and Labor Relations in the EU.

Taiwan Becoming Home

It is not an easy task to think back to a time before Taipei was home. Over the past two years, Fulbright Taiwan and National Chengchi University have given me the platform to build my understanding of Taiwan inside and outside of the classroom and fueled my cross-cultural understanding. When I came to Taiwan in September 2016, armed with google maps and no ability to speak Chinese, I began my degree in International Studies at NCCU; I got my student card, and I was off. In just my first month in Taiwan, I invested my time in four classes, joined two student clubs, hiked Hehuan mountain and attended a wedding. Jam packed and unpredictable, that month was very indicative of my first year in Taiwan. Primarily, my studies have occupied most of my time and fascination. My courses ranged from International Relations and Political Philosophy to Human Rights, Humanitarian and State Sovereignty with some fundamental International Relations Theory in the middle. The classes offered at NCCU from a diverse faculty exposed me to a new way of thinking about world politics and how countries relate to one another.  Learning in our microcosm of a classroom, with students coming from across

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal