fulbright Taiwan online journal

Author: Kirsten Asdal 艾永勤

Picture of Kirsten Asdal 艾永勤
Kirsten Asdal graduated from the US Naval Academy in May 2013 withe a B.S. in Chinese. She will complete a masters in Contemporary Chinese Studies at Oxford University in 2015, then report to her first ship, the USS MICHAEL MURPHY(DDG112), to serve as a division officer.

Kirsten Asdal: Naval Perspectives on Asia-Pacific Maritime Conflict

    Kirsten Asdal graduated from the US Naval Academy in May 2013 with a B.S. in Chinese. She will complete a masters in Contemporary Chinese Studies at Oxford University in 2015, then report to her first ship, the USS MICHAEL MURPHY (DDG112), to serve as a division officer.     She will share her experiences living and studying in Taipei this past year and discuss what she has learned about Asia-Pacific international relations and regional maritime conflict. 從海軍觀點來看亞太地區海上衝突     艾永勤將分享她過去一年來在台北生活及唸書的經驗。並和大家來討論她所學的亞太地區國際關係和區域性的海上衝突。     2013年5月艾永勤於美國海軍學院獲得中文學士學位。她將於2015年在牛津大學就讀碩士學位,專攻中國當代研究。畢業後她將登上美國軍艦USS麥克爾默菲號 (DDG112)擔任部門主管並展開她的首次服役。

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Top Five Highlights of a Year in Taiwan

Top ten lists are everywhere these days. As readership moves online, and as viewership becomes more dependent on a catchy title to encourage a curious click, writers have become adept at condensing regular material into this appealing format. One of my favorites this year was a Foreign Policy piece by Stephen Walt entitled “How to Get a B.A. in International Relations in 5 minutes.” In a few paragraphs that take no more than five minutes to read, Walt lays out key concepts that a student of IR would actually remember five years after graduation, like anarchy, balance of power, and comparative advantage. As I took the bait and opened the article, I thought to myself, “Ah, here we go…good thing I decided not to do that double major after all, because this is everything I need right here.” While not quite suitable for an academic paper, this uber-condensed format is just fine for the casual reader. So in an effort to make this article more appealing to whomever is browsing through the Fulbright website, I’ve decided to jump on the bandwagon and turn my jumble of thoughts into a consolidated list. Here you go, the top five things Kirsten will

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Reflections on Identity and Regional Security

Kirsten Asdal graduated from the US Naval Academy in May 2013 with a B.S. in Chinese. She will complete a master’s degree in Contemporary Chinese Studies at Oxford University in 2015, then report to her first ship, the USS MICHAEL MURPHY (DDG112), to serve as a division officer.  My first four months living in Taiwan were very fruitful, and I am grateful for the new perspectives I developed through my experiences and studies. I have been taking a masters class on cross-strait relations, as well as auditing a Ph.D. class on Asia-Pacific security. Meanwhile, at Chengchi University’s MacArthur Center for Security Studies, I have been researching the new Chinese Coast Guard and related implications for regional security. I attended the annual conference of the Council for Security Cooperation in Asia-Pacific in Beijing, and I have been working on a subsequent research paper with a team of Young Leaders from the Pacific Forum on the usefulness of the ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting.      Aside from my research, I have also been taking language courses. When I first began my Chinese class in early September, I could neither read nor write using traditional characters. Now, I can write responses using all traditional

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal