fulbright Taiwan online journal

fulbright Taiwan online journal

Author: Mary Wong

Picture of Mary Wong
Dr. Mary Shepard Wong is a three-time Fulbright Scholar (Hong Kong 2012-13, Myanmar 2015-16, Taiwan 2023) and author/editor of five books, the most recent, Teaching for peace and social justice in Myanmar: Identity, agency, & critical pedagogy (2022). She holds a doctorate in International & Intercultural Education (University of Southern California), master degrees in East Asian Languages and Cultures (University of California at Los Angeles) and TESOL (Azusa Pacific University).

I’ll be back! Reflections on our “Fulbright Taiwan” IEA trip

Twenty-five of us were selected for this anticipated IEA Taiwan adventure. It was delayed a few years due to Covid but it was well worth the wait. The “Our” in the title of my report references the group experience of not only the 25 participants but our Fulbright hosts (Randall, Charlie, Astin, Kevin, Stephen, Sandy, Yolanda, and others), who we grew to love through “warm reminders,” countless photos in which we shouted “Fulbright Taiwan”, and bus karaoke sessions. “Our” also includes all those we visited from the elementary school children, their competent ETA teachers, the high-schoolers who made us gifts and gave us individual tours, the debate couches and their impressive students, the Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistants (FLTAs) we got to share our advice with, our aboriginal archery instructor, the city and country officials we shared large oval tables and gifts with, and the many professors and administrators in the 16 universities, schools, and intuitions that we visited. I’m still sorting through the stacks of name cards, university brochures, and gifts while I eat my pineapple cakes and plan my return visit.  The trip was also personal. At the farewell dinner, our table shared our most memorable moments. Mine

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal