fulbright Taiwan online journal

Author: Mei-Chun Liu 劉美均

Picture of Mei-Chun Liu 劉美均
Meichun Liu is a 3rd year Ph.D. student in design at North Carolina State University and a Fulbright Graduate Study Grant recipient. She received her bachelor's degree in Taiwan and master's degrees in Canada, both in industrial design, and founded her design firm Wolkeland Design in 2010. As a design practitioner over the last 18 years and professor for 6 years, Meichun has worked on numerous projects, mostly IT products but also a number of handicraft-inspired designs. Her research interests lie in the area of adaptive design and augmented artifacts in a complex system. Emergent technologies have created a new genre of artifacts that blur the boundaries between physical and digital, thereby generating design opportunities across disciplinary boundaries and new types of human-machine interaction. Her research adopts the approach of ABMS to study the emergent behaviors of agents in a complex system.


但問起一般美國人對北卡的印象,仍舊與傳統南方、菸草與棉花緊緊連在一起。曾經是美國棉花帶(Cotton Belt)的一部分,直到1865年南北戰爭結束,北卡州內的36萬的美國黑奴才獲得自由。蓄奴制度與南方邦聯(the Confederate States of America)的歷史緊緊糾纏,直到現在跟美國的朋友談話,南方邦聯仍是一個很重要的參考點。

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal