fulbright Taiwan online journal

Author: Meiqin Wang 王美欽

Picture of Meiqin Wang 王美欽
Meiqin Wang is an art historian and a professor at California State University Northridge. She researches contemporary art from China in the context of commercialization, globalization, and urbanization of the Chinese world and has written on topics such as artist villages, creative cultural industries, art and urbanization, and socially engaged art. Her major publication includes two research monographs Urbanization and Contemporary Chinese Art (Routledge, 2015) and Socially Engaged Art in Contemporary China: Voices from Below (Routledge, 2019), and a co-edited volume Visual Arts, Representations and Interventions in Contemporary China (Amsterdam University Press, 2018).

A Brief Reflection from My Field Research in Taiwan as a Fulbright Scholar

As a Fulbright China Transfer due to the unfortunately regressive administrative decision that suspended Fulbright program for mainland China and Hong Kong in 2020, I was very grateful to be offered an opportunity to change the destination of my field research to an alternative location. I chose Taiwan, a place I had always wanted to visit, and perceived this to be an important step for me to carry out my long-term goal for comparative studies in socially engaged public art from East Asia, starting with Greater China, which includes  mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. In the past,  my primary  research area  was mainland China and I also had the opportunity to conduct brief field research in Hong Kong and Macau. Taiwan was the only part of Greater China that I had never visited. While I had read a number of publications on socially engaged public art and art-led social activism from Taiwan and have collaborated with a number of Taiwanese scholars through conference presentations and publications, I had no first-hand exposure of the physical, spatial, and sociocultural conditions within which Taiwan artists and art collectives have been working. A six-month research time in Taiwan, I thought, would be

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal