fulbright Taiwan online journal

Author: Michael C. Yu 尤俊欽

Picture of Michael C. Yu 尤俊欽
Dr. Michael C. Yu is Associate Professor of Biological Sciences at the State University of New York – Buffalo. As a Fulbright Senior Scholar at Institute of Molecular Biology at Academia Sinica, he is investigating the role of protein arginine methylation in the control of pre-mRNA splicing.

My Fulbright Experiences

I was delighted and honored to learn that I had been named a Fulbright Senior Scholar while on sabbatical leave from SUNY-­‐Buffalo -­‐ not merely on account of the award’s prestige or the actual monetary support it entails, but most importantly because it represented a golden opportunity to deepen my knowledge in the field of pre-­‐mRNA splicing by learning from an international expert in the land of my birth, which I had left thirty years ago. This paper contains reflections on my stay in Taiwan as a Fulbright Senior Scholar over the past 6 months. Cultural Experiences: It has been over 30 years since I left Taiwan for the United States and in the intervening time, I have managed a handful of short visits. While I am as familiar with the language as anyone who lives here – meaning I can read the local newspapers, watch the local television, and on the whole lead my daily life without difficulty here in Taiwan – there is still a bit of disconnect in term of idiomatic word usage and appropriate situational responses. On reflection, I would rank the lack of personal space and/or distance as the most important adjustment I had to

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal