fulbright Taiwan online journal

Author: Minsyuan Tsai 蔡旻諠

Picture of Minsyuan Tsai 蔡旻諠
Minsyuan Sandy Tsai holds an M.A. in Foreign Languages and Literature. She has been teaching English in Kaohsiung Municipal Kaohsiung Industrial High School for 12 years. For the past couple of years, she has been in charge of administrative work associated with the school’s international exchange programs. She embarked on the 2015-16 Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program journey in August 2015 and successfully completed the program in December 2015. She is now officially a Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program Alumna. 畢業於國立中山大學外國語文研究所的蔡旻諠老師已任教12年,是第一位獲選傅爾布萊特卓越教學獎助計畫到美國進行教育與文化交流的台灣老師。過去幾年,她積極推動國際教育,讓學生了解國際文化多元性,培養跨文化反思能力。2015年8月她獲選為傅爾布萊特卓越教學獎助得獎人,與其他來自9個國家共17名國際教師前往美國印第安納大學進行教育與文化交流並順利於同年12月完成專題發表取得美國國務院結業證書。返國後,她與台灣傅爾布萊特協會合作國際教育工作坊,將其於美國所學與在台灣進行交流的美籍教師與台灣老師分享。

“與世界連結,做自己學習的主人” –我的傅爾布萊特豐收旅程

“If you want something in this life, reach out and grab it.” – Christopher McCandless        網路上曾經有一位中學教師霸氣的十字箴言辭職信令我印象深刻,她說:世界那麼大,我想去看看。是的,她道出許多人的心聲,但鮮少人有她的瀟灑與勇氣。受到這十個字的啟發,2014年暑假歐洲背包行回國後,我也暗自下定決心告訴自己—因為世界很大,所以我也要追夢去。然而,教書是我的興趣,沒有辭職的想法,因此只能告假尋夢。感謝台灣傅爾布萊特基金會提供我出國學習的機會,2015年8月我正式代表台灣至美國參與傅爾布萊特卓越教學獎助學金計畫,與其他16位國際教師一起進行教育訪查與文化交流學習之旅。

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“Being Our Own Agents of Learning!” Sharing Experiences from 2015-16 Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program

Embarking on the 2015-16 Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program journey has been the best experience of my life. Frankly speaking, I wasn’t sure what my responsibilities would be before I left for the United States. It was not until I arrived in Washington, D.C. for the orientation workshop that I realized what a huge honor it is to be accepted as a Fulbright Distinguished Awards Teacher. Participating in this workshop made me truly thankful to both the United Stated of America and Taiwan for this once-in-a-life time opportunity. At the workshop, it was refreshing and powerful to interact with all of the previous Distinguished Teachers and listen to their Fulbright experiences. Their passion for education touched my heart and motivated me. I promised myself at the orientation that I would make the most of my time to observe and learn during the four-month program at Indiana University.

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal