fulbright Taiwan online journal

Author: Morgan Stemler 石夢佳

Picture of Morgan Stemler 石夢佳

Reflections on my First Year Living in Taiwan

In September 2018, I came to Taiwan as a Fulbright master’s student to complete my master’s degree in International Studies at National Chengchi University (NCCU). Before coming to Taiwan, I had  earned my bachelor’s degree studying International Studies, Chinese studies, and Mandarin at West Virginia University. Therefore, due to my educational background and an exchange semester studying Mandarin in Qingdao, China, I felt that moving to Taiwan to pursue a master’s degree was the next logical step. However, despite my preconceived notions and prior educational experiences abroad, my time in Taiwan exceeded all of my expectations. Before diving into my education experiences in Taiwan, there are several other benefits to note that I discovered after I had moved to Taipei. Taipei is a bustling city filled with people from all around the world. Before coming to Taiwan, I was quite nervous given that I knew no one there. However, after spending just a few days in the city, I was able to see how warm and welcoming the Taiwanese people are. They are always willing to lend a helping hand or spark a conversation with a random stranger. Prior to meeting anyone from Fulbright or my program at NCCU, I

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal