fulbright Taiwan online journal

Author: Preetam Prakash 彭一鳴

Picture of Preetam Prakash 彭一鳴
Preetam Prakash is a 5 th year PhD candidate in the History Department at Stanford University. He first became interested in Qing history while serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Yibin, Sichuan, and has since lived and worked in various parts of China, Taiwan, and Japan. Preetam’s PhD research is principally concerned with legal centralization and the evolution of Qing justice over the course of the 17 th -19 th century, and he has a secondary interest in the Qing administration of border regions, especially Mongolia.

Doing Qing History in Taiwan

I’m very grateful for the opportunity to have researched Taiwan’s approach to high school computer science education. My goal was to understand better how Taiwanese high school CS educators teach using culturally responsive pedagogy and create a culture of belonging and identity through their teaching, curriculum, and professional development. This project helped me view CS education from a more global perspective and profoundly impacted my growth.

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal