fulbright Taiwan online journal

Author: Shun-Yung Wang 王舜永

Picture of Shun-Yung Wang 王舜永
Dr. Wang received his doctoral degree from the College of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida State University. In addition to his academic training, he has about a decade long full-time working experience in the field of juvenile justice, program evaluation, and data analysis in the UnitedStates. Dr. Wang is one of the receivers of National Institute of Justice - Graduate Research Fellowship 2009-2010, and his publications can be found in different referred sources. He published a book titled "Digital Robbery” while on his Fulbright visit.

Life in Taiwan as Cultural Ambassadors

Although Fulbright Taiwan is officially named Foundation for Scholarly Exchange, the supported activities are not only about scholarship but also cultural exchange. Doing so, I firmly believe that we scholars can have a deeper understanding of the society, especially when interpreting research findings from a social-historical context that is very different from the U.S. With this mindset, I took my family visiting as many places as we could in Taiwan, such as the Confucius Temple and one of the earliest Baptist churches in Taipei, and interacting with people of diverse backgrounds. For example, we visited “contemporary” farmers, who are also scientists receiving highest academic degrees from the U.S., and stayed in a traditional house in the countryside. (the only thing that I can complain about this visit to rural Taiwan is that roosters woke up at 4 AM!) In a different trip to central Taiwan, when tasting natural honey fragrance (or, fruit-flavor) black tea, I also ran into an award-winning singer performing his soul-touching songs on the deck of droughty Sun Moon Lake. (“…the unique taste is due to insect wound…but the wound makes it particularly tasty…Tea is like people. Wounds can make people weak or can make people stronger.

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal