fulbright Taiwan online journal

Author: Ya-Yun Chen 陳雅韵

Picture of Ya-Yun Chen 陳雅韵
Ya-Yun Chen is a Ph.D. student in Developmental Science in the Department of Psychology at Virginia Tech. She received her M.S. in Brain Science at the National Yang Ming University and B.S. in Psychology at the National Chung Cheng University. Generally, She is interested in understanding the neural circuitry underlying negative behaviors/experiences and exploring how the negative behaviors/experiences been modulated and then controlled. In her leisure, she like doing social good by data, promoting the field of neuroscience, and immersing in creating artworks.


「Fulbright基金會使用二戰留下來的軍武財產來促進文化交流,希望透過文化交流,讓世界各地的人們因為更了解彼此而減少衝突,不再有戰爭。」,2018年8月24日,時任Fulbright Taiwan 學術交流基金會執行長William Vocke對著來參加獎學金被提名者工作坊的我們說。至那時起,我就像被賦予了重大的使命般時刻提醒自己:「我來到美國,不只是來追求學術上的成就,同時也肩負著文化交流的重責大任!」

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal