When Ability-Grouping Program Meets Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
Considering the whole process of my teaching career a chapter book, to be able to come to America and learn again seems to be the
Considering the whole process of my teaching career a chapter book, to be able to come to America and learn again seems to be the
“If you want something in this life, reach out and grab it.” – Christopher McCandless 網路上曾經有一位中學教師霸氣的十字箴言辭職信令我印象深刻,她說:世界那麼大,我想去看看。是的,她道出許多人的心聲,但鮮少人有她的瀟灑與勇氣。受到這十個字的啟發,2014年暑假歐洲背包行回國後,我也暗自下定決心告訴自己—因為世界很大,所以我也要追夢去。然而,教書是我的興趣,沒有辭職的想法,因此只能告假尋夢。感謝台灣傅爾布萊特基金會提供我出國學習的機會,2015年8月我正式代表台灣至美國參與傅爾布萊特卓越教學獎助學金計畫,與其他16位國際教師一起進行教育訪查與文化交流學習之旅。
Embarking on the 2015-16 Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program journey has been the best experience of my life. Frankly speaking, I wasn’t sure what