fulbright Taiwan online journal

Author: Hui-Ing Ma 馬慧英

Picture of Hui-Ing Ma 馬慧英
Hui-Ing Ma is an Occupational Therapy Professor at National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan. Dr. Ma worked with Dr. Tickle-Degnen at Tufts University to examine the relationship among stigma, social resources, and quality of life in Parkinson’s disease.


很幸運的得到Fulbright的獎助,可以在拿到博士學位十五年後,再回到當初唸書的地方—波士頓。能再回到波士頓一直是我畢業後在台灣教書時的夢想,夢想中的一部份是和小孩一起再經歷波士頓的春夏秋冬,再看看查爾斯河(Charles River),再走一次自由之路(Freedom Trail),再坐一次波士頓地鐵……。但就像我之前所認知到的,在人生中,時間就是一分一秒過的,快樂的事情會過去,痛苦的事情也會過去……。當我覺得像夢想正要實現一般,接到Fulbright通知獲得獎助,卻也同時開始準備出國的壓力。而此刻的我正處在開始要整裝回台的階段,搬家打包出清也都是壓力。但回想起這一年的經歷,凡走過的必留下痕跡,我想這些記憶將像黑夜中的天燈,漸行漸遠漸亮……。

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A Visit to a Parkinson’s Disease Support Group

Something about Myself       I studied in the Department of Occupational Therapy at Boston University for my Master’s and Doctor of Science degrees from 1996 to 2000. In my dissertation research, I examined how to manipulate experimental conditions to enhance movement of people with Parkinson’s disease (PD). To recruit participants for my research, I went to several PD support groups and observed the active role of local support groups in the US. However, when I returned to Taiwan, I found that PD support groups were not common there. Our university hospital used to hold PD support group meetings, but after the hospital social workers asked the people with PD to run the support group themselves, they never met again. Therefore, I would like to take the opportunity while being a Fulbright scholar in the US to go to PD support group meetings to learn more about these resources and how they influence the lives of people with PD, hoping to find ways to facilitate support groups in Taiwan.       Through my host professor’s connection, I scheduled a visit to a PD support group meeting in a rehabilitation hospital in New Hampshire in mid November 2014. The

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal