fulbright Taiwan online journal

fulbright Taiwan online journal

Peilei Fan: Urbanization and Environmental Change: Comparative Analysis of Taipei and Shanghai

Being an expert in urban development condition of East Asia, Peilei Fan spent the first half of her Fulbright Cross-strait Studies grant in Taipei, Taiwan. She developed an urban development index and framework, and will continue her research in Shanghai, China. In the video, she also shared her observations and experiences on the education system and natural outings in Taiwan.

Dr. Peilei Fan is an associate professor of Urban & Regional Planning in the School of Planning, Design, and Construction at Michigan State University. She holds a joint research appointment at the Center for Global Change and Earth Observations. Dr. Fan’s research focuses on the urban environment, innovation and economic development. She is a Fulbright US Scholar of Cross-Strait Studies Program for 2017-2018 in Taipei and Shanghai.


Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal