With the rapid evolution of digital technology, digital printing has become an indispensable commercial and artistic tool. However, due to the popularity and low-cost of the printing tools, will the art and artists of printmaking become extinct? Can the print-making art mingle with the other forms of contemporary arts to create a new medium? Barbara Foster, a professor from the San Francisco State University guides fine art students at the National Taiwan Normal University to break boundaries and explore this interdisciplinary realm.
在數位科技的蓬勃發展的今日,數位印刷已成為日常中不可或缺的工具 。然而,隨著數位印刷的普及與低廉的價格,流傳已久的印刷技術與藝術是否能繼續與其他各種新型式的藝術結合,在當代藝術當中占有一席之地?來自美國舊金山州立大學的方艾莫教授將帶領台灣師範大學藝術系繪畫組的學生一同打破各種限制,一起探索這個跨領域的新境界。
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