fulbright Taiwan online journal

fulbright Taiwan online journal

Tag: Arts

章琍吟X郎祖明 藝術管理與國際行銷的困境與突破 (歸國版)

章琍吟(2019-2020臺美藝文專業人才交流獎助計畫獲獎人)完成8個月的交換歸國(文化部提供3個月的獎助經費,但學術交流基金會可視獲獎人需求提供最多12個月的簽證資格和保險費用),期間她於紐約法拉盛文藝中心的華人社區推廣部門,負責行銷宣傳、展覽策劃等工作。透過傅爾布萊特獎助金的支持,在當地品牌經營、通路開發的見聞對她而言深具啟發性。紐約的表演藝術機構多透過募款維持營運,藉由此次交換,琍吟將她的觀察與經驗帶回臺灣,期為國內的表演藝術團隊帶來更多行銷與營運的發展空間。 章琍吟,畢業於臺南大學戲劇創作與應用學系碩士班。從事文化行政工作10餘年,現為非玩不可創意文化有限公司/春河劇團專案經理,曾任職公部門文化中心、私人劇團與學校單位。2017-2018年執行製作客家電視台《幕後有藝思》該節目獲得第53屆金鐘獎人文紀實節目主持人獎。 

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陳昱嵐X林啟瑩 著作權研究於文化藝術領域的國際合作

陳昱嵐 (2019-2020臺美藝文專業人才交流獎助計畫獲獎人) 曾於美國加州柏克萊大學進行學術訪問研究,此次將深入產業,觀察美國在文化藝術領域——以電影為例,如何透過法律預防爭端發生,以期推進國際間的串聯,建立日後合作網路。 陳昱嵐律師執業近七年時間,專長為稅法、行政法與文化法,同時在臺北藝術大學文化資產與藝術創新博士班就讀。主要案件為行政訴訟,並擔任公司行號顧問律師、政府政策制定委員。

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章琍吟X郎祖明 藝術管理與國際行銷的困境與突破

章琍吟 (2019-2020臺美藝文專業人才交流獎助計畫獲獎人) 在非玩不可創意文化有限公司執行長/春河劇團執行長郎祖明的鼓勵下,將赴美國紐約皇后區的法拉盛藝文中心學習如何與社區或企業/其他通路進行合作,推展跨文化表演藝術活動。 章琍吟於藝術行政與行銷領域耕耘多年,在影視企劃、戲劇創意培訓、舞台劇行銷企劃等方面都有成績。曾參與專案包括:客家電視台《幕後有藝思》、戲劇遊戲課程培訓、臺灣戲曲中心《藝桌ㄦˋ椅》、《當我們同在一起》、《我妻我母我丈母娘》等。

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Jennifer Huang: Weaving Identity: Atayal Textile Practices in Taiwan

Art and culture is one way to preserve, promote and respect indigenous cultures and their histories. Jennifer Huang studied indigenous Atayal weaving in Taiwan and created artworks for two exhibitions inspired by this experience. Her work aims to reflect the cultural narratives that textiles can unravel. Jennifer Chen-su Huang is an artist, writer, and object-maker based in Chicago, IL. This past year, she has been researching indigenous Atayal weaving in Taiwan. She holds a M.F.A. in Fiber and Material Studies from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and a B.A. in Art Practice with a minor in Art History from University of California, Berkeley.

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Elaine Ng: Cultural Cartography: The Material and Pattern of Place

Through research and exploration of Tainan City, Elaine Ng found the materials and patterns on the streets provided her a new cultural context and language for art making. Working in Professor Ching Yuan Chang’s Studio and the Chin Chin Pottery, Elaine built lasting relationships with international artists and local audiences. Elaine K. Ng is an artist whose work explores the physical and psychological structures of sites. Her Fulbright research in Taiwan began with ideas rooted in cultural cartography and has focused specifically on the materials and patterns that define a place.

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Alisha Jihn: Being Embodied: Body Image and Dance/Movement Therapy

Dance therapy can be used in a different cultural context. Alisha Jihn explores the possibilities and sees that dance therapy can be effective in fostering body image and self-esteem for adolescents and children. Through Alisha’s Fulbright project, the dance therapy participants learned to develop new relationships with their bodies. Dance therapy can be used in a different cultural context. Alisha Jihn explores the possibilities and sees that dance therapy can be effective in fostering body image and self-esteem for adolescents and children. Through Alisha’s Fulbright project, the dance therapy participants learned to develop new relationships with their bodies. Alisha Jihn is a graduate of Columbia College Chicago’s dance movement therapy and counseling program. Her host institution in Taiwan is the Department of Education at National Chengchi University.

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Paul Ocampo: Advancing Body-Mind Relationship in Dance Technique

Can “Tai Chi” mix with dance? Is training from a dance academy the only way? Through his Fulbright exchange, Paul Ocampo shows us that dancers from different generations and cultures can build and share knowledge through the arts. Paul Ocampo is a dancer and an adjunct lecturer at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. He came to Taiwan to teach dance techniques and the incorporation of body-mind awareness. This video features his reflections on the relationship between Paul and his students and on his personal experiences about the use of breath and the flow of movement.

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Jacob Sudol: Developing Interdisciplinary Creativity in Composition and Music Technology in Taiwan

What can new technologies teach us about music? How can music lead to new technologies? In his interview, Dr. Sudol discusses these questions based on his Fulbright experience in Taiwan inside and outside of the classroom. Dr. Jacob Sudol is a composer and computer musicians whose works have been performed throughout the USA as well as in Taiwan, Canada, Germany, England, Japan, Singapore, China, Thailand, and Cambodia. He is currently an Assistant Professor at Florida International University, where he is the Music Technology area coordinator and a member of the Composition faculty.

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Craig Quintero: Creative Process: Between Art and Performance

How do you embody theory? How do you theorize praxis? Dr. Craig Quintero address his interdisciplinary class on Site Specific Performance and the creative projects he produced in Taiwan this year. Dr. Craig Quintero is a Senior Fulbright Scholar at Taipei National University of the Arts. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Theatre and Dance at Grinnell College. Craig is also the Artistic Director of Riverbed Theatre.

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Debory Yi Li: The Evolution of Taiwanese Identity

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCStzJazmR8 USC graduate Debory Li came to Taiwan for an independent documentary project on Taiwanese identity. She spent ten months working at the Taiwan Public Television Service Foundation as an intern and on her project. Debory found wealth of experiences and a depth of understanding that coincided with the vision of Fulbright Taiwan, “a world with a little more knowledge and a little less conflict.” 李柏儀:台灣人身分認同的演進     美國南加州大學畢業生李柏儀於2011-2012年獲得傅爾布萊特獎助到臺灣進行獨立紀錄片拍攝,主題是“台灣人身分認同的演進”。經過十個月於公共電視實習與拍攝計畫,她十分推崇台灣傅爾布萊特計畫給她的協助。

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal