A Visit to a Parkinson’s Disease Support Group
Something about Myself I studied in the Department of Occupational Therapy at Boston University for my Master’s and Doctor of Science degrees
Something about Myself I studied in the Department of Occupational Therapy at Boston University for my Master’s and Doctor of Science degrees
Introduction Although the classic marketing idiom says that marketing is “the battle for your mind” (Ries and Trout, 1981), research on tourist
( This manuscript is NOT a formally written paper and is NOT FOR CITATION in any form. ) The real Wong Fei-hung (WFH)
Fulbright 最主要給我三州的回憶: Enrichment Seminar的Tulsa, Oklahoma、Outreach Lecture Fund的Boston, Massachusetts,以及學習駐足基地的Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas。 一、Enrichment Seminar (四月1~4,2015@Tulsa, Oklahoma) 我選擇的主題是「Old to New West: The Role of Land in
As an individual with Manchu and Sibe language skills and an interest in the development of Manchurology, I am following closely a situation in which
First of all, I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the Fulbright Program for offering me the generous research grant
It was a sunny afternoon when I visited the Getty Museum in Los Angeles. I took a bus to the foot of the
Preface This paper is not a formal academic one. It is a paper which is based upon my first-hand experiences and reflections which I have
假期裡的某一天,旅行在伸手不見五指的漆黑洞穴裡,地下水流緩緩自腳下滑過,洞穴外是接近三十度的高溫,洞穴裡長年流淌的冰涼地下水,卻讓已經穿著防寒衣的我們禁不住打了一個冷顫。看不見天光,抬頭,頭頂的探照燈冷不防與洞裡的蝙輻四目相對,反射出詭異的幽幽紅光 ,無聲地抱怨這群不速之客的無故打擾。聽不見街道上奔馳的汽車呼嘯、也不聞市井小販的沿街吆喝,「嗒…」一滴水自冰涼的洞壁落下,就打破了一室的悄然寂靜。
My research as a Fulbright grantee at Harvard University concerns the appropriation of political terminology from the West in late Qing and Republican China. Here