抵達美國,先是參與由愛達荷大學(University of Idaho)主辦,為期五天四夜的Gateway Orientation Program。接待人員舉著傅爾布萊特的立牌在機場裡迎接學員們,由機場驅車前往愛達荷大學,歷時約2小時的車程。
抵達美國,先是參與由愛達荷大學(University of Idaho)主辦,為期五天四夜的Gateway Orientation Program。接待人員舉著傅爾布萊特的立牌在機場裡迎接學員們,由機場驅車前往愛達荷大學,歷時約2小時的車程。
Summary of work Researchers and educators consider CPS as one of the core competencies of the 21st century. However, students often fail to solve a
Considering the whole process of my teaching career a chapter book, to be able to come to America and learn again seems to be the
CHAPTER 1 Where I Am From I am TzuChun Lin, a 2019-2020 FLTA grant fromTaiwan. I started my magical journey at Georgia Southern University as
Preface The modern history of Taiwan can be divided into five parts: the Dutch period (1624-1662), the kingdom of Cheng period (1662-1683), the Qing Dynasty
很榮幸獲得2019-2020傅爾布萊特(Fulbright)獎助,來到加州小鎮Davis,於UC Davis進行十個月的訪學。
I am grateful for the funding and support that the Fulbright Program offers me. Also, writing this reflective essay provides me a great opportunity to
但問起一般美國人對北卡的印象,仍舊與傳統南方、菸草與棉花緊緊連在一起。曾經是美國棉花帶(Cotton Belt)的一部分,直到1865年南北戰爭結束,北卡州內的36萬的美國黑奴才獲得自由。蓄奴制度與南方邦聯(the Confederate States of America)的歷史緊緊糾纏,直到現在跟美國的朋友談話,南方邦聯仍是一個很重要的參考點。