fulbright Taiwan online journal

Day: March 27, 2013

Cultural Empowerment for Atayal Students

     Dr. Christine Yeh developed a cultural empowerment program in a 99% indigenous Atayal community in Yilan. In this video, she describes how she worked with the community and the teachers of the school to create a curriculum. In her educational program, which she describes as a “sustainable intervention”, she emphasizes ethnic identity and educational opportunities for students. Dr. Yeh worked closely with Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA), Mikael Owunna, and a local English teacher, Jennifer Huang. Results from the program and pieces of student work will be displayed in a 2014 exhibition in the National Taiwan Museum. Dr. Yeh is a Professor at the University of San Francisco. 葉晶博士深入宜蘭縣南澳鄉協助泰雅族部落開發文化賦權課程。她的研究主要圍繞著以社區和學校為基礎的課程建構與評鑑,尤其著重在族群認同及教育機會等。她與宜蘭英語協同教師Mikael Owunna及本地英語教師黃嘉雯共同開發了一系列的文化賦權課程,並預計於2014年於國立臺灣博物館展出相關成果。

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Mary Stokrocki: Cultural exchange through digital arts

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQkd4PGjp_g     Dr. Mary Stokrocki led her art students at Chaiyi University to explore the digital art world in Second Life. The students learned about artists and their works by curating virtual exhibitions. Her students showcased aspects of living in Taiwan, such as local flora and foods, through this digital medium. During her Fulbright grant, Dr. Stokrocki also learned about Taiwan’s agriculture, aboriginal culture, experiences which she has brought back to the US to enrich her teaching. Dr. Stokrocki is a Distinguished NAEA Professor of Art at Arizona State University.  透過數位藝術搭起文化交流的橋樑 司徒薇教授引領嘉義大學視覺藝術系暨研究所學生遨遊Second Life網路世界,並讓學生透過策展的練習,從數位世界了解藝術作品和藝術家。此外,她還透過此一平台搭起了跨校文化交流,讓台灣學生透過此一平台介紹台灣的美食、花卉與生活種種。在這次傅爾布萊特獎助的交流經驗中,司教授也深入體驗了台灣農業與原住民文化,並準備將這些文化學習帶回美國分享

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal