fulbright Taiwan online journal

fulbright Taiwan online journal

Day: May 13, 2015

Kenneth Loh: Smart Sensors for Safer Bridges

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVcmAxpJfHwDr. Kenneth Loh explained his research which characterizes the performance of a sensor prototype for monitoring bridge scour, which is the erosion of soil/riverbed materials by flowing water near bridge foundations that could cause collapse. Dr. Loh is an Associate Professor in Civil Engineering, Nano-Engineering and Smart Structures Technologies (NESST) Laboratory, University of California, Davis, and he received his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from University of Michigan. He is conducting his Fulbright research in bridge scour monitoring at National Taiwan University. His research interests include multifunctional materials, and resilient structures. Read more about Dr. Loh’s project here: https://journal.fulbright.org.tw/index.php/about-taiwan/essays/item/123-smart-sensors-for-safer-bridges-an-international-collaborative-effort   監測橋梁結構安全的智能感測器     此研究主題是應用橋梁監測智能感測器偵測當橋梁被河床附近之土石流沖刷可能會產生破壞之檢測結果。     羅健晃博士任職於奈米工程和智能監控系統技術實驗室暨加州大學戴維斯分校之土木工程學系副教授。他於密西根大學獲得土木工程博士學位,目前以傅爾布萊特資深學者的身分在國立台灣大學進行有關橋梁沖刷監測系統方面的研究。他的研究領域包括多功能材料及彈力回復性結構。

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fulbright taiwan online journal