fulbright Taiwan online journal

fulbright Taiwan online journal

Month: September 2014

Teagan Adamson: Build knowledge to save lives

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNTA739TDk0 Teagan Adamson received her M.S. in Biomedical Engineering in 2013 from Arizona State University with a focus in biosensors and nanotechnology for disease applications. As a dual Fulbright-Whitaker Fellow at Academia Sinica’s Institute of Biomedical Sciences, she is working to engineer new molecules capable of improving current breast cancer treatment. 艾婷安在2013年於亞利桑那州立大學獲得生物醫學工程的碩士學位,她主要研究生物傳­感器和奈米技術在疾病上的應用。她不但獲得本年度的傅爾布萊特獎學金,同時也是惠特克­生物醫學工程獎學金的獲獎學者,其目前在中央研究院生物醫學研究所,致力於研究改善目­前乳癌治療的新分子。

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學友連結計畫: 專訪邱正雄董事長 Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund – Distinguished Alumnus: Paul Chiu

    Among the outstanding Fulbright Alumni, Paul Chiu, the fifth and sixth Alumni Board Chair of the Taiwan Fulbright Alumni Association, is well-known. He served as the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the Republic of China, the Minister of Finance, Vice Premier of Executive Yuan, Associate Professor and later, Adjunct Professor of National Taiwan University of Economics and Honorary Chairman of Entie Commercial Bank. Now he is the Chairman of Bank SinoPac. He was publicly honored as “the world’s best Finance Minister in 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis” by former President, Lee Teng-hui.      There are three parts of this video. First is an introduction of Fulbright Taiwan Program and the Taiwan Fulbright Alumni Association. Second is an introduction of Paul Chiu’s life story and his success. Third is an interview featuring Paul Chiu.      在學友會眾多佼佼者中,曾經連任第五、第六屆傅爾布萊特學友會理事長的邱正雄先生,是­傅爾布萊特的知名學友, 歷任中華民國中央銀行副總裁、財政部長、行政院副院長、國立台灣大學經濟學系副教授及­兼任教授、安泰商業銀行榮譽董事長,現為永豐銀行董事長,他曾被李登輝先生公開譽為「­全世界最好的財政部長」。此影片分為三部分,首先是傅爾布萊特計畫及台灣傅爾布萊特學­友會 歷史回顧,第二部分是邱正雄學友生平介紹,第三部分是邱正雄學友專訪。

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Finding a Home

     “Where is home?”  For most people, this is a very straightforward question. But for me, it’s a little more complicated. Although I was born in the United States, I spent most of my life living in Asia, including Singapore, Hong Kong and Beijing. I have grappled with the concept of “home” for as many years as I can remember. I knew my Fulbright year would be special, but when I reflect on my experience, I realize that I walked away with lifelong friends who are a second family to me, and with memories that truly symbolize the feeling of “home” I have for Taiwan.      Before I went to Taiwan, I promised myself to live every day to the fullest. I ran two marathons, traveled throughout the country, attended religious and cultural ceremonies, and even earned my Taekwondo black belt.      However, it was my work as a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) that really meant the most to me. On weekdays, I worked with a local English teacher, where I co-taught to over 1,000 elementary students. Teaching in a foreign country had both its rewards and challenges. Whenever students were excited to learn, it was

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Late-Imperial Bibliographic Studies and Digital Quantitative Analysis

       Modern scholars of late-Imperial Chinese literature benefit from collected texts printed during the Ming and Qing dynasties that are supplemented with bibliographic information on both extant and non-extant books. Cataloging old texts was traditionally an important part of late-Imperial Chinese scholarship. Scholars closely researched important works by exploring their textual histories, identifying forgeries, and tracing their provenance. Some of this information was eventually preserved in large annotated indexes.        Publishing houses also printed compilations of popular texts and sometimes reprinted entire libraries. Though some were commercial products, other endeavors aimed to preserve (particularly those sponsored by the government). Many examples of this exist, the most famous being the 18th century The Complete Library of the Four Treasuries (Si ku quan shu 四庫全書), compiled under the Qianlong (乾隆) emperor.  This was accompanied by An Index of Summaries of the Complete Library of the Four Treasuries (Si ku quan shu zong mu ti yao 四庫全書總目提要), a bibliographic index that provided short descriptions of the titles within, as well as many that were not included in the Si ku quan shu.  This tendency to publish collections of older books was common and likely lead to the preservation of

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Reflections on Identity and Regional Security

Kirsten Asdal graduated from the US Naval Academy in May 2013 with a B.S. in Chinese. She will complete a master’s degree in Contemporary Chinese Studies at Oxford University in 2015, then report to her first ship, the USS MICHAEL MURPHY (DDG112), to serve as a division officer.  My first four months living in Taiwan were very fruitful, and I am grateful for the new perspectives I developed through my experiences and studies. I have been taking a masters class on cross-strait relations, as well as auditing a Ph.D. class on Asia-Pacific security. Meanwhile, at Chengchi University’s MacArthur Center for Security Studies, I have been researching the new Chinese Coast Guard and related implications for regional security. I attended the annual conference of the Council for Security Cooperation in Asia-Pacific in Beijing, and I have been working on a subsequent research paper with a team of Young Leaders from the Pacific Forum on the usefulness of the ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting.      Aside from my research, I have also been taking language courses. When I first began my Chinese class in early September, I could neither read nor write using traditional characters. Now, I can write responses using all traditional

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With Just One Action – Learning Chinese through the arts

Coming to Taiwan, I knew that not only would I be able to conduct advanced cancer therapy research, but also I would have many opportunities to improve my Chinese. I didn’t realize how hard performing both of these tasks simultaneously was going to be. During my graduate studies, I took a break from studying Chinese so it was a little rusty upon my arrival, and I was relatively shy when prompted to speak. After a few weeks in Taiwan, my Chinese quickly rose to the level of comfortable conversation and problem solving, mostly as a result of the classes I was taking a few times a week. Everyone in my lab is required to speak English – and because finding time to do homework isn’t easy when I could be out enjoying Taipei’s rich culture, I’ve relied on some of my other interactions instead. Everyday life has afforded me plenty of practice; before long I could order coffee like a pro and crack jokes with the locals, but I was still looking for ways to improve my level. Luckily, I stumbled across some great opportunities that have transformed my stay in Taiwan, and given me the time to study Chinese

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Cross Cultural Collaboration: Lessons Learned

The role of the Teacher of English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) advisor is multifaceted. When people ask what we do, we explain the job responsibilities as facilitating TEFL teaching workshops, observing classes and holding post observation conferences, responding to weekly English Teaching Assistant (ETA) reports, and conducting research. However, we discovered that the key to fulfill all of these duties is our ability to communicate with one another. Throughout the past five months of working together, we have found great value in facilitating discussions that lead to greater understanding of one another’s culture.      We believe that through our own interactions, discussions, reflections, and co-constructed knowledge base, we have discovered successful strategies for collaboration. We have gained a deeper understanding of the Fulbright mission through our own joint efforts and now better appreciate the essence of what “a world with a little more knowledge and a little less conflict” means in the context of the Fulbright ETA program. In this essay, we hope to articulate the lessons that we have learned about communication and how they might be applied to the co-teaching relationships which are the cornerstone of the Fulbright ETA program. Compromise      Great collaboration does

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Taiwan: An Ideal Place to Conduct Research on the Qing Dynasty

     As a PhD candidate in late imperial Chinese history, already four months into a ten-month Fulbright grant period in Taiwan, I have two goals for this brief essay. First, I want to set forth the reasons why Fulbright Taiwan has provided an ideal environment for my research. Second, I want to suggest that Taiwan is an excellent place to do in-country research on the Qing Dynasty (1644-1912). Given the vast trove of archives now open to scholars in mainland China and given that various Taiwanese institutions have digitized many of Taiwan’s archival collections and generously placed them on-line (in some cases, accessible from anywhere), some scholars may no longer consider Taiwan a worthwhile destination for in-country research on Chinese history. To the contrary, my experience has been that the combination of nearly unrestricted access to superbly curated archives, a vibrant and welcoming intellectual community, an incredible system of libraries and research centers, close proximity to mainland China, the concentration of excellent scholars and academic institutions in one place, a clean and modern environment, and Taiwan’s own history as a Qing frontier combine to make Taiwan an ideal location for in-country research on the Qing. After four months, I

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Chiung-yao Ho: Does cross-cultural co-teaching work?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCk33Nlh_1w     To learn English well is not only critical to increase students’ capacity to compete, but also to open doors for them. The Fulbright Taiwan is dedicated to the English co-teaching model and to improve the English literacy in Taiwan more than eleven years. On this journey, every English Teaching Assistants (ETAs) devoted their effort and energy to broaden the impact of the ETA program, so as the TEFL Professors, who provide professional training and counseling. As the TEFL professor of the year, Dr. Chiung-yao Ho has hold 25 workshops in Yilan, Taichung, Kaohsiung, and Kinmen for 33 ETAs and more than 70 local English teachers. After one year of observation and research, Dr. Ho answers the question “Does cross-cultural co-teaching work?” with tremendous confidence.   英語教師訓練之我見:傅爾布萊特系列講座     把英文學好,不止能提升學生的競爭力,也是替生命開一扇窗。台灣傅爾布萊特在英語協同教學領域耕耘了十一個年頭。過程中,除了每位英語協同教師的活力與努力之外,英語教學顧問與其帶領的培訓課程也功不可沒。何瓊瑤教授在台灣十個月的時間主持了25場工作坊,協助分布於宜蘭、台中、高雄、金門等33位美籍英語協同教師與70多位台灣籍本地教師提升他們的英語教學。在何教授駐台的一年之中,她反覆自問如何讓跨文化協同教學方法更有效,經過一年多的資料蒐集與分析後,她最後得到了令人滿意的答案。     何瓊瑤博士任教於美國德州休士頓孤星學院希費校區,專長於英語為第二語言的教學。她同時為Cambridge CELTA (劍橋成人英語語言教學) 培訓認證講師。何教授在英語為第二語言的教學這個領域已有超過15年的教學經驗,並於TESOL及NAFSA等國際年會發表。

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal