fulbright Taiwan online journal

Month: September 2020

Study in the Land of Lincoln

I am grateful for the funding and support that the Fulbright Program offers me. Also, writing this reflective essay provides me a great opportunity to think and document what I have experienced in the past year. My journey in the United States so far, especially in the state of Illinois, can be divided into three categories: 1) study, 2) research, and 3) life. Study I am studying my doctoral degree in Community Health at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In the first semester at U of I, I was amazed by the flexibility that students in my program could have in the selection of courses. When I was studying in Taiwan, I did not really have to think what classes to take as most of the courses were mandatory. Thus, my first task as a PhD student was to explore and plan my coursework that best suits my research field. I ended up registering for three courses and one independent study with my academic advisor. The first two courses I chose  both involved quantitative methodologies, specifically econometrics, offered by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Economics. On the one hand, I was curious about how people in the field

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Fulbright IEA Seminar report

Overall, I found this seminar to be incredibly useful and beneficial to me in more ways than I had ever imagined. I took notes throughout the program about these revelations and will share them in the below bullet points in order to complete my report. Working in this industry in higher education requires diplomacy skills and a calm temperament and that certainly came through in the seminar. Eleven international educators from all different backgrounds came together in a remarkably cohesive way to participate in the first Fulbright International Educators seminar in Taiwan. There were educators from private and public and large and small institutions all over the United States.  The days were long and packed full of visits in this intensive two week program, yet no one ever argued and we worked together despite the fatigue of jetlag and the long days and being away from work and family. There was also a range of positions from Dean to Coordinator represented amongst the group but ego never played a factor throughout the program.   Although knowledge of Chinese is not necessary for getting around Taiwan it certainly made things easier when ordering food or needing directions or a taxi. I also

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但問起一般美國人對北卡的印象,仍舊與傳統南方、菸草與棉花緊緊連在一起。曾經是美國棉花帶(Cotton Belt)的一部分,直到1865年南北戰爭結束,北卡州內的36萬的美國黑奴才獲得自由。蓄奴制度與南方邦聯(the Confederate States of America)的歷史緊緊糾纏,直到現在跟美國的朋友談話,南方邦聯仍是一個很重要的參考點。

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Contemplations on Reconciling with the Unknown

This year in Taiwan has been a captivating journey of learning, development, and acceptance. When I first arrived in Taiwan, my initial impulse was to jump at every conceivable opportunity offered. I believed that throwing myself into situations where I could learn as much as I wanted to would result in a more comprehensive understanding of Taiwan, China, or my home. Yet, as time went on, I realized that this overzealous presumption was not the case. In short, the breadth of what I sought to experience provided me fewer insights than pursuing fewer, more immersive interests. It took a while to realize this on my own, but I am glad that I did. With this realization, I think it’s important to note two things. First, what we label expertise is irrevocably limited and shaped by our personal experiences. Second, because of these limitations in our personal experiences, it is epistemologically impossible to garner a “true” comprehensive understanding of a region. One may have more insight in one particular area, but they are blinded by the vast quantities of the unknown, which at any moment could render their assumptions or beliefs completely wrong. Taiwan, like any other state, is a great

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Taiwan Becoming Home

It is not an easy task to think back to a time before Taipei was home. Over the past two years, Fulbright Taiwan and National Chengchi University have given me the platform to build my understanding of Taiwan inside and outside of the classroom and fueled my cross-cultural understanding. When I came to Taiwan in September 2016, armed with google maps and no ability to speak Chinese, I began my degree in International Studies at NCCU; I got my student card, and I was off. In just my first month in Taiwan, I invested my time in four classes, joined two student clubs, hiked Hehuan mountain and attended a wedding. Jam packed and unpredictable, that month was very indicative of my first year in Taiwan. Primarily, my studies have occupied most of my time and fascination. My courses ranged from International Relations and Political Philosophy to Human Rights, Humanitarian and State Sovereignty with some fundamental International Relations Theory in the middle. The classes offered at NCCU from a diverse faculty exposed me to a new way of thinking about world politics and how countries relate to one another.  Learning in our microcosm of a classroom, with students coming from across

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Highlights of my 2018 Fulbright

This has been a fantastic experience for pursuing my academic research, inspiring me in new research directions, and learning about American society and culture much more in-depth than I had experienced before. It was a deeply rewarding opportunity.  First, let me express my sincere thanks to Dr. William Vocke, Executive Director, Taiwan Fulbright Foundation; Lisa Lin, Director of Fulbright Traditional Program; the Foundation for Scholarly Exchange, Taipei; and the Fulbright Scholar Program (United States Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs) for making this experience possible. Ms. Lin was especially helpful to me in negotiating all of the social and legal details of my stay at Cornell University; she made the process easy and transparent. As a Fulbright grantee during the Spring 2018 semester, I conducted a cross-cultural study of solitary dining behavior, hosted by the SC Johnson College of Business, Cornell University, USA. I was invited to attend regular research group meetings of the renowned Food and Brand Lab, hosted by my Fulbright sponsor, Professor Brian Wansink (PhD in Marketing & Consumer Behavior — 1990, Stanford University). These meetings inspired me to consider different thinking and research aims, and new methods to approach data collection and theory

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Reflections on my First Year Living in Taiwan

In September 2018, I came to Taiwan as a Fulbright master’s student to complete my master’s degree in International Studies at National Chengchi University (NCCU). Before coming to Taiwan, I had  earned my bachelor’s degree studying International Studies, Chinese studies, and Mandarin at West Virginia University. Therefore, due to my educational background and an exchange semester studying Mandarin in Qingdao, China, I felt that moving to Taiwan to pursue a master’s degree was the next logical step. However, despite my preconceived notions and prior educational experiences abroad, my time in Taiwan exceeded all of my expectations. Before diving into my education experiences in Taiwan, there are several other benefits to note that I discovered after I had moved to Taipei. Taipei is a bustling city filled with people from all around the world. Before coming to Taiwan, I was quite nervous given that I knew no one there. However, after spending just a few days in the city, I was able to see how warm and welcoming the Taiwanese people are. They are always willing to lend a helping hand or spark a conversation with a random stranger. Prior to meeting anyone from Fulbright or my program at NCCU, I

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章琍吟X郎祖明 藝術管理與國際行銷的困境與突破 (歸國版)

章琍吟(2019-2020臺美藝文專業人才交流獎助計畫獲獎人)完成8個月的交換歸國(文化部提供3個月的獎助經費,但學術交流基金會可視獲獎人需求提供最多12個月的簽證資格和保險費用),期間她於紐約法拉盛文藝中心的華人社區推廣部門,負責行銷宣傳、展覽策劃等工作。透過傅爾布萊特獎助金的支持,在當地品牌經營、通路開發的見聞對她而言深具啟發性。紐約的表演藝術機構多透過募款維持營運,藉由此次交換,琍吟將她的觀察與經驗帶回臺灣,期為國內的表演藝術團隊帶來更多行銷與營運的發展空間。 章琍吟,畢業於臺南大學戲劇創作與應用學系碩士班。從事文化行政工作10餘年,現為非玩不可創意文化有限公司/春河劇團專案經理,曾任職公部門文化中心、私人劇團與學校單位。2017-2018年執行製作客家電視台《幕後有藝思》該節目獲得第53屆金鐘獎人文紀實節目主持人獎。 

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal