Taiwanese people love their stamps. I was first alerted to this when I read on a blog that each MRT station in Taipei has its own unique rubber stamp. I went to look for them, and once I started, I couldn’t stop. I bought a little booklet with blank pages
Latoya Kamdang: Spatial Explorations of Indigenous Architecture and Urban Settlements in Taiwan
Professor Latoya Kamdang’s Fulbright project researched two indigenous architecture sites and two urban informal settlement sites in Taiwan, including one World Monument Fund selected site – Kucapungane. Prof. Kamdang also co-taught with her host Professor Shu-Mei Huang at National Taiwan University and provided insights on preservation and conservation. During her grant, Prof. Kamdang also traveled to South Korea and Hong Kong to expand her international connections in the East Asia Pacific region.
Latoya Nelson Kamdang is a U.S. Fulbright Senior Scholar in Taiwan. Her host institution is the Graduate Institute of Building and Planning at the National Taiwan University. She is a Registered Architect, Certified Interior Designer, and LEED Accredited Professional. Her experience spans architecture, planning, exhibit design, industrial design, and interior design. Latoya has developed her career in practice while maintaining a connection to academic research and teaching at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY.
Chih-Chin Chou: Social Support for Indigenous People with Disability and Chronic Illness in Taiwan
Dr. Chih-Chin Chou came back to Taiwan with a specialty on Rehabilitation & Mental Health Counseling after she departed 25 years ago. She aimed to research the population that she is most passionate about – indigenous people. She found the majority of research in the field is either on indigenous people or people with disability but lack of ones that covered both. By face-to-face interactions and knowledge sharing, she gained people’s trust and built connects locally.
Dr. Chou is the Program Director for the Rehabilitation & Mental Health Counseling Program at the University of South Florida. Her research interests include psychiatric rehabilitation, research methodology, social support, vocational outcomes for people with disabilities, rehabilitation education, international rehabilitation, and positive psychology. She has published over 25 articles in peer-reviewed journals and eight book chapters. Dr. Chou has received numerous grants including three current training grants totaling almost $2.5 million.
Dominique Murdock, Jhih-Kai Yang, Alicia Bradley, Yuta Otake: English Teacher Training & Research
The role of TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) Trainer is to support the ETA (English Teaching Assistant) by providing personal professional development, workshops, and observations. In addition to their routines, TEFL Trainers also helped to organize the first-ever in Fulbright East Asia Pacific Regional Workshop in 2019. Through these projects, ETAs and TEFL Trainers built a tight connection, picturing a fuller diversity of the culture through education.
Dominique Murdock holds an M.A. degree from the University of Southern California in TESOL. Jhih-Kai Yang has an M.A. degree from the University of Taipei in English Instruction. It’s both their second year as TEFL Trainers at Foundation for Scholarly Exchange. Alicia Bradley holds an M.A. degree from Columbia University in International Educational Development. Yuta Otake has an M.A. degree from New York University in TESOL. Four of them were grantees of the “FSE English Teacher Training & Research Awards” in 2018-19.
Chia-Chi Teng: Cyber Security Education and Deep Machine Learning
Dr. Chia-Chi Teng spent a semester at National Tsing Hua University to help develop a new Master degree program in cybersecurity. Dr. Teng utilizes laboratory experiments to strengthen students’ practical skills. In addition, machine learning is incorporated for detecting cyber intrusion. To Dr. Teng, handling cyberattacks is like solving a puzzle, which requires patience and dedication. He believes international cooperation on cyber education will lead governments to a more secure and self-protectable future.
Dr. Teng has 30 years of experiences in software research and development. During his 17 years tenure at Microsoft, he was part of the development teams for Windows 95, Internet Explorer, Microsoft TV, Microsoft Network (MSN) and Windows 7. He transitioned to academia in 2008 and became a professor in Information Technology at Brigham Young University. His primary research interests are in healthcare IT as he continues to consult and advise a number of healthcare technology startup companies internationally.
陳昱嵐X林啟瑩 著作權研究於文化藝術領域的國際合作
陳昱嵐 (2019-2020臺美藝文專業人才交流獎助計畫獲獎人) 曾於美國加州柏克萊大學進行學術訪問研究,此次將深入產業,觀察美國在文化藝術領域——以電影為例,如何透過法律預防爭端發生,以期推進國際間的串聯,建立日後合作網路。 陳昱嵐律師執業近七年時間,專長為稅法、行政法與文化法,同時在臺北藝術大學文化資產與藝術創新博士班就讀。主要案件為行政訴訟,並擔任公司行號顧問律師、政府政策制定委員。
章琍吟X郎祖明 藝術管理與國際行銷的困境與突破
章琍吟 (2019-2020臺美藝文專業人才交流獎助計畫獲獎人) 在非玩不可創意文化有限公司執行長/春河劇團執行長郎祖明的鼓勵下,將赴美國紐約皇后區的法拉盛藝文中心學習如何與社區或企業/其他通路進行合作,推展跨文化表演藝術活動。 章琍吟於藝術行政與行銷領域耕耘多年,在影視企劃、戲劇創意培訓、舞台劇行銷企劃等方面都有成績。曾參與專案包括:客家電視台《幕後有藝思》、戲劇遊戲課程培訓、臺灣戲曲中心《藝桌ㄦˋ椅》、《當我們同在一起》、《我妻我母我丈母娘》等。
Human-Bird Sculpture in Taiwan: Cross-Cultural & Environmental Potential
Professor Sarah Haviland came to Taiwan in 2018 to look for human-bird images that cross culture and time. In her teaching at the Taipei National University of the Arts, she aimed to foster creative thinking in students and led them through a process that she goes through when designing sculptures. As for her research progress, she found rich connections between humans and birds in the society, which she explored through sketches and studies. Sarah hopes, by sharing these practices, that people will consider their own relationship with the environment and nature.
Sarah Haviland’s abstract-figurative sculptures and installations have been exhibited in NYC, nationally, and internationally in museums, nonprofit galleries, and private collections. Haviland earned an MFA from Hunter College and a BA from Yale University. She lectures independently and teaches at the Borough of Manhattan Community College, City University of New York.
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On Goodwill and Hospitality
Admiring this living room in this guesthouse in Xincheng, minutes from the gate of Taroko Gorge, I am forced to consider what a villager from, say, northeastern Tibet/Western China would do with such space!
Dominique Murdock: English Teacher Training and Research through Culturally Responsive Teaching
Dominique Murdock is currently serving her second term as a Fulbright Taiwan grantee. She originally journeyed to Taiwan in 2016 as an English Teaching Assistant (ETA) in Kinmen, and was later awarded a second and third grant from the Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan) as a TEFL Trainer and
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