fulbright Taiwan online journal

fulbright Taiwan online journal

Tag: 客座教授

Rodney Winther: Conducting My Way Through Taiwan (Music… not Trains!)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHrJD6ZD2Fc    Professor Rodney Winther shared his conducting and teaching life at Shih Chien University, with the Taiwan Wind Ensemble, and through musical outreach in this video. At Shih Chien, he conducts the University Orchestra, the University Wind Ensemble and teaches graduate conducting. Professor Winther is retired from the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, where he is Professor Emeritus of Music. He is a Fulbright Senior Scholar during 2013-2014 in Taiwan. 音樂列車長:指揮家在台灣的音樂旅程      溫瑟爾教授目前以傅爾布萊特資深學者的身分在實踐大學擔任客座教授。同時也為實踐大學音樂系管樂團的客座指揮家,並指導此校之管樂指揮碩士班。溫教授甫退休於美國辛辛那提音樂學院,為該系的榮譽教授。本次演講著重於溫瑟爾教授於實踐大學、台灣管樂團及各地巡迴演出的指揮經驗。

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fulbright taiwan online journal