fulbright Taiwan online journal

fulbright Taiwan online journal

Tag: Buddhist

Teaching in a Buddhist Pure Land: A Fulbright scholar on Dharma Drum Mountain

For one semester, I taught and conducted research in a Buddhist Pure Land! I spent the 2016 fall semester on Dharma Drum Mountain, a green mountainous Buddhist community located in Jinshan District, north of Taipei. This Buddhist community includes the Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts, where I taught a graduate seminar on Comparative Religious Texts. The Dharma Drum Mountain is also home to a 4-year Sangha University to train Buddhist monks and nuns as well as the international headquarters of Dharma Drum organization, known as the Dharma Drum Mountain World Center for Buddhist Education and the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies. Life on a Buddhist Mountain My life on the mountain was ideal for health, contemplation, and research. I ate the simple Buddhist vegetarian meals of rice, tofu, and vegetables—eating breakfast and dinner in silent rows with everyone facing the same direction. At times, I found the Chan Buddhist practice of eating in silence a surprising relief from struggling to keep up with Chinese conversations at meals. I was welcomed to eat lunch with the faculty in their dining room, who were the only ones who spoke during noontime meals. But even there, I felt that there was a

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Benjamin Brose: Xuanzang’s Skull

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVuwUTwAJQI    Dr. Benjamin Brose discusses some of the ways Buddhist relics have been employed by modern political regimes to evoke patriotic sentiments at home and to establish diplomatic and economic alliances abroad. He is currently conducting research on modern representations of the Tang monk, pilgrim, and scholar Xuanzang (600?-664).    Benjamin Brose received his Ph.D. from Stanford University in 2009 and is now Assistant Professor of Chinese Buddhism at the University of Michigan.   玄奘頂骨-當代亞洲的佛教和民族主義以及外交 – 傅爾布萊特系列講座     這場講座由傅爾布萊特訪問學者本博澤博士將討論佛教文物如何被現代政權作為喚醒愛國意識、確立外交地位與促成海外經濟聯盟的手段。    本博澤博士為美國密西根大學宗教學研究所助理教授,他於2009年獲得美國史丹佛大學博士學位。他目前專注於研究當代對於一個虔誠朝聖者-唐僧玄奘大師(600?-664)之表述詮釋。

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal