fulbright Taiwan online journal

fulbright Taiwan online journal

Tag: choreographic language

Amber Kao: Dance to strengthen my roots

     Through dancing, Amber Kao tackles the ethnicity and identity issue she deals with every day. Dance brought her to her parent’s homeland and she has learned a whole new choreographic language with the master Lin Hwai-min and the Cloud Gate Theatre Dance Company. As a Fulbright fellow, Amber has also actively participated in performances around Taiwan sharing her passion for arts with the elementary students.     透過舞蹈,高恩倍致力於詮釋她常需面對的種族身分議題。也是經由舞蹈,她重新踏上台灣的土地,向林懷民老師與雲門舞集一同學習全新的語言。身為傅爾布萊特青年學人,在練舞、表演之餘,高恩倍也積極前往中小學演出,將她對藝術的熱情與台灣學生分享。

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal