fulbright Taiwan online journal

Tag: Hong Kong

Monica Yang: Determinants and Performance of Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions

Dr. Yang compares characteristics and motives of cross-border Merger and Acquisitions (M&A) across the Strait and explores how firms are integrated after acquisitions. Dr. Monica Yang is Associate Professor of Business and Management at Adelphi University. As a Fulbright Senior Scholar at Department of International Business at National Chengchi University, she studiescross border M&A activities among Taiwan, China and Hong Kong.

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A Rich and Fulfilling Fulbright Experience in Taiwan, China and Hong Kong

    This paper contains reflections on my stay in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China as a Fulbright Senior Scholar from May to July 2015.   Research-Wide Reflections      Because the Fulbright Scholar Award is prestigious in supporting activities and projects that promote educational exchange and international understanding, I have been able to identify and collect data and collaborate with researchers and business managers in Taiwan, China, and Hong Kong. Since my research topic focuses on mergers and acquisitions among companies in these three places, researchers and data in this area are scattered in multiple disciplines (e.g., business/management, political science, and sociology). It is challenging to conduct research in three different locations within three months, however, it is also extremely worthwhile to exchange ideas with people who are doing similar research or who are conducting business with real experience.      During my stay, I gave guest lectures to graduate students (approximately 60 students and 10 faculty members) where I shared my prior and ongoing research projects. I was also able to serve as a discussant and presenter giving an oral presentation in one international conference (Asia Academy of Management). Several comments and insights that people shared with me

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Jeffery Hou: Creative Urban Commoning – Examining Alternative Placemaking in Contemporary Taiwan

As the first Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program grant recipient to Taiwan, Jessica Dzieweczynski observes and collects Taiwanese everyday life experiences as firsthand material and term them into Chinese curriculum back in the States. Jessica holds a M.A. in Chinese Pedagogy and teaches high school students Mandarin at Latin School of Chicago.

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal