fulbright Taiwan online journal

fulbright Taiwan online journal

Tag: Jianan

Philip Brown: Dam(ned) Imperialism: The Case of the Wusantou Dam

    Dr. Philip Brown examines an unusual Japanese colonial enterprise that has been remembered not as the epitome of imperialistic evil, but in highly laudatory terms, especially since democratization in Taiwan. He was exploring the development of the Jianan water control project constructed between 1920 and 1930 under Japanese colonial rule and the ways it has been remembered in Taiwan over the years since its completion.     Dr. Philip Brown is Professor of Japanese and East Asian History at The Ohio State University. He is a 2013-2014 Fulbright Senior Scholar at the Institute of Taiwan History at the Academia Sinica. “壩”氣帝國主義? 嘉南大圳水利工程的建設與回憶     日本殖民統治台灣時期所建設的水利工程不但受到實行民主制度後的台灣高度讚賞,而且不被認為是邪惡帝國主義下的建設。菲力浦教授於此影片討論於1920年到1930年間,台灣在日本政府殖民統治下,所建造完成的嘉南大圳水利工程,與其特殊的歷史意義。     菲力浦博士為俄亥俄州立大學日本與東亞歷史系之教授。他是2013-2014傅爾布萊特獎學金的獲獎學者,於中央研究院台灣史研究所進行相關研究。

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fulbright taiwan online journal