fulbright Taiwan online journal

fulbright Taiwan online journal

Tag: Law Clinic

Starting the first law school clinic in Taiwan

     In the Spring 2013 semester, National Taiwan University College of Law offered an innovative new course called Law Clinic (in Chinese, the name of the course is 爭議處理與紛爭解決). In this class, law students had the opportunity to represent real clients in real cases under the close supervision of experienced attorneys as part of their law school experience.  Students in the Law Clinic represented dozens of clients in a wide variety of cases. They helped real clients with real problems involving consumer law, contract law, criminal law, family law, land use law, and other areas of law. Acting in the role of lawyers, they interviewed clients, conducted fact investigation, interviewed witnesses, counseled clients, drafted legal documents, and crafted innovative and compelling legal arguments.      Their work with clients gave the students valuable preparation for the practice of law. They were able to apply their knowledge of law, analytical skills, and legal reasoning powers to the problems faced by real clients, allowing them to understand better how theory and practice interact in real cases. They had a real context to explore and understand the roles that lawyers play in society. And they were able to learn and practice essential

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal