fulbright Taiwan online journal

fulbright Taiwan online journal

Tag: O Henry Prize

Robert Anthony Siegel: An American Novelist in Taiwan

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7p2201fvRI    Robert Anthony Siegel is an associate professor in the Department of Creative Writing at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. He is the author of two novels, All the Money in the World and All Will Be Revealed. His awards include O. Henry and Pushcart Prizes, and fellowships from the North Carolina Arts Council, the Michener/Copernicus Society and the Fine Arts Work Center at Provincetown. He talks about his Fulbright experience of living, writing and teaching at Tunghai University, in Taichung.   美國小說家in台灣:這一年來的寫作及教書經驗分享(包括用錯中文的趣談)     席博安教授是美國北卡羅萊納州威爾明頓創意寫作學系的副教授。他曾出版《All the Money in the World》和《All Will Be Revealed》兩本小說。並榮獲歐亨利文學獎、手推車小說獎、北卡羅萊納藝術協會、米奇納-哥白尼和普文斯鎮藝術工作中心等機構的獎學金。他將和大家分享他在台中東海大學的生活、教書以及寫作的經驗。

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fulbright taiwan online journal