fulbright Taiwan online journal

fulbright Taiwan online journal


Dominique Murdock, Jhih-Kai Yang, Alicia Bradley, Yuta Otake: English Teacher Training & Research

The role of TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) Trainer is to support the ETA (English Teaching Assistant) by providing personal professional development, workshops, and observations. In addition to their routines, TEFL Trainers also helped to organize the first-ever in Fulbright East Asia Pacific Regional Workshop in 2019. Through these projects, ETAs and TEFL Trainers built a tight connection, picturing a fuller diversity of the culture through education.

Dominique Murdock holds an M.A. degree from the University of Southern California in TESOL. Jhih-Kai Yang has an M.A. degree from the University of Taipei in English Instruction. It’s both their second year as TEFL Trainers at Foundation for Scholarly Exchange. Alicia Bradley holds an M.A. degree from Columbia University in International Educational Development. Yuta Otake has an M.A. degree from New York University in TESOL. Four of them were grantees of the “FSE English Teacher Training & Research Awards” in 2018-19.

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Yilin Sun: Building knowledge in a co-teaching setting

     Dr. Yilin Sun provided training and advice for the American English teachers in the Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) program 2011-12. In this video, she shares her experiences in the TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) field. During her time in Taiwan, she developed a case study book to expand the resources for ETAs. The book summarized 30 scenarios that ETAs may encounter during their teaching in Taiwan. The case book is also an important milestone celebrating the 10th year of the Fulbright English co-teaching program in Taiwan. In addition to her work with the ETA program, Yilin also served as a Visiting Professor in the English Dept of National Taiwan Normal University. She gave seminars to faculty and students and also taught a graduate course. Back in the United States, Dr. Sun is a full time professor at South Seattle Community College. 英語協同教學的知識建構     孫以琳教授於2011-2012年獲得獎助來台提供”傅爾布萊特英語協同教學計劃”專­業的英語教學建議。訪台期間她不只分享了她擅長的TESOL教法(英語做為第二種語言­),並完成了”台灣英語協同教學案例 (Voices of Taiwan)”,內含30個實用的協同教學案例,供未來參與計畫的老師參考。這本書­的出版,也為進入到第十年的傅爾布萊特英語協同教學計畫提供了一個重要的里程碑。

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal