fulbright Taiwan online journal


Evan Nicoll-Johnson: Supplementing the Records and Anecdotes

Evan Nicoll-Johnson addressed the reception by later scholars of two works of historiographic annotation “Shishuo xinyu 世說新語” and “Sangou Zhi 三國志.” He proposes a form of citation analysis that relies on the organizational structure of each text. Evan Nicoll-Johnson is a PhD candidate in the Asian Languages and Cultures department at UCLA. Currently, he is conducting research on early medieval Chinese literature at National Taiwan University and working on a dissertation that analyzes intertextual relationships created through bibliography, annotation, and textual compilation.

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Lance Crisler: The Rise of Fiction in the Legal Cases of Early China

Lance’s current project explores recently excavated legal manuscripts, which date to the Han and pre-Han period (~200 BCE). Lance’s research examines plot creation in these early legal case files to discover the larger implications of the early role of fiction in Chinese legal and historical narrative texts. Lance Crisler is a PhD Candidate at UCLA specializing in Early Chinese literature and historiography. He has spent the 2014-15 academic year researching at Academia Sinica.

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal