fulbright Taiwan online journal

Tag: ETA

傅爾布萊特英語協同教學計畫簡介 Fulbright Taiwan ETA Program

ETA = 英語協同教學助理 (English Teaching Assistants)英語在全球化趨勢下已是不可或缺的關鍵能力之一,多年前台灣政府大力推動提升英語教學政策時,學術交流基金會透傅爾布萊特交換計畫等管道,引進優秀美國名校畢業的美籍英語教學助理擔任協同教學。自2003年起,至今已超過十年,現已拓展至全台六個縣市,顯著提升了學生對英語的愛好與開口說的意願。更多資訊:http://eta.fulbright.org.tw受訪及演出人員 (依出場順序)黃秀莉老師 臺中市三和國小 English Teacher Sandy Huang, Sanho Elementary School, Taichung吳國泰校長 高雄市屏山國小Principal Kuo-Tai Wu, Pingshan Elementary School, Kaohsiung范巽綠局長 高雄市教育局 Director General Sun-Lu Fan, Kaohsiung Education Bureau林俊堅校長 台中市上石國小Principal Chun-Chien Lin, Shangshih Elementary School / TaichungETA 顧晨露 宜蘭縣四結國小 ETA Talia Greenberg, Oberlin College, Ohio / Sijie Elementary School, Yilan六年級學生 高雄市屏山國小6th Grade Student, Pingshan Elementary School / KaohsiungETA 朴恩 高雄市七賢國小 ETA Grace Pyo, Wheaton College, Illinois / Cisian Elementary School, Kaohsiung陳惠珍老師 高雄市七賢國小 English Teacher Francina Chen, Cisian Elementary School, Kaohsiung黃秀莉 老師 Teacher Sandy Huang鄭玉玲 老師 Teacher Monica Cheng黃韓阿 ETA Karina Hwang 吳國泰 校長 Principal Kuo-Tai Wu安南 ETA Natalia Arenas塔英德 ETA Inder Takhar 安薇亞 ETA Victoria Engelhardt范巽綠 局長 Director General Sun-Lu Fan喻碧嫈 老師 Teacher Kitty Yu孫樂平 ETA Asia Nelson張達裕 ETA Emily Cheung鄭海綠 ETA Jordan Keenh費和明 ETA Matthew Friedland王譽潔 老師 Teacher Yu-Cheih Wang柯婷 ETA Katherine Keith林俊堅 校長 Principal Chun-Chien Lin博亞安 ETA Adrian Brandon夏嘉蔚 ETA Andrea Hale朴恩 ETA Grace Pyo顧晨露 ETA Talia Greenberg黃薏文 Student Yi-Wen Huang俞敏娜 ETA Ida Sobotik柯莎拉 ETA Sara Goldstein卡瑟琪 ETA Carlsky Belizaire馮小麗 ETA Charlotte Fleming陳丞 ETA Travis Trojan施蕊蓓 ETA Rebekah Shyloski王琳 ETA Lin Wang陳惠珍 老師 Teacher Francina Chen白炬冬 ETA Tobias Osterhaug特別感謝高雄市教育局 / 教師研習中心 / 屏山國小 / 七賢國小 / 三民國小 / 市立圖書館台中市教育局 / 教師研習中心 / 重慶國小 / 上石國小 / 太平國小 / 大同國小 / 三和國小 / 葫蘆墩國小

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Santa on Small Kinmen

    On December 25th, I celebrated Christmas without my family for the first time. I felt a little uncomfortable, and a little homesick. I’m teaching English on a smaller island off the small island of Kinmen in Taiwan. Never before had I been asked to work during the holidays, and I wasn’t quite sure how I was going to manage both my responsibilities to plan Christmas events for my students and to celebrate with my family.      Rather than decorating the Christmas tree and drinking eggnog at home, I was carefully honing my social juggling skills. I expected to work through a week of stressful Christmas plans and performances, while missing the opportunity to relax and appreciate the Christmas season.  Thankfully, I was wrong. The week of December 25th was filled with Christmas cheer and storybook surprises. One of those surprises is below…     On Wednesday the 23rd, Jhuohuan Elementary School teachers and staff, while mostly non-Christian, gathered for our annual Christmas party.  By chance, that day also happened to be the last day of alternate military service for one of our great assistants, Yu-Ming. In preparation for our party, I dressed up as Santa Claus, and

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A Preliminary Research Note on International Teaching Partnerships

Introduction The Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship (ETA) Program is a collaborative effort between the United States and host countries around the world.  Bringing together young U.S. citizens with experienced English teachers in the host country, it provides enriched English language instruction to students in elementary, junior high, and senior high schools.  In Taiwan, the ETA program was introduced in 2004 when a group of ETAs were sent to Yilan County to participate in a co-teaching program with local elementary school teachers.  Since then, several counties have begun to participate in the ETA program, including Kaohsiung, Kinmen, Taichung, and Taitung, adopting the co-teaching model in selected schools. As the mission of Fulbright is to promote international understanding, cross-cultural and binational partnerships such as the Fulbright ETA program give participants and stakeholders a unique perspective on intercultural understanding on a deeper level and enhance the richness and variety of language instruction.  During the 2012–2013 academic year, 33 English Teaching Assistants (ETAs) were selected and sent to Yilan (16), Kaohsiung (11), and Kinmen (6) for an eleven-month grant to work side by side with Local English Teachers (LETs) to plan and teach English lessons at designated schools.  During the grant period, some partnerships

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Finding a Home

     “Where is home?”  For most people, this is a very straightforward question. But for me, it’s a little more complicated. Although I was born in the United States, I spent most of my life living in Asia, including Singapore, Hong Kong and Beijing. I have grappled with the concept of “home” for as many years as I can remember. I knew my Fulbright year would be special, but when I reflect on my experience, I realize that I walked away with lifelong friends who are a second family to me, and with memories that truly symbolize the feeling of “home” I have for Taiwan.      Before I went to Taiwan, I promised myself to live every day to the fullest. I ran two marathons, traveled throughout the country, attended religious and cultural ceremonies, and even earned my Taekwondo black belt.      However, it was my work as a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) that really meant the most to me. On weekdays, I worked with a local English teacher, where I co-taught to over 1,000 elementary students. Teaching in a foreign country had both its rewards and challenges. Whenever students were excited to learn, it was

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Cross Cultural Collaboration: Lessons Learned

The role of the Teacher of English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) advisor is multifaceted. When people ask what we do, we explain the job responsibilities as facilitating TEFL teaching workshops, observing classes and holding post observation conferences, responding to weekly English Teaching Assistant (ETA) reports, and conducting research. However, we discovered that the key to fulfill all of these duties is our ability to communicate with one another. Throughout the past five months of working together, we have found great value in facilitating discussions that lead to greater understanding of one another’s culture.      We believe that through our own interactions, discussions, reflections, and co-constructed knowledge base, we have discovered successful strategies for collaboration. We have gained a deeper understanding of the Fulbright mission through our own joint efforts and now better appreciate the essence of what “a world with a little more knowledge and a little less conflict” means in the context of the Fulbright ETA program. In this essay, we hope to articulate the lessons that we have learned about communication and how they might be applied to the co-teaching relationships which are the cornerstone of the Fulbright ETA program. Compromise      Great collaboration does

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Chiung-yao Ho: Does cross-cultural co-teaching work?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCk33Nlh_1w     To learn English well is not only critical to increase students’ capacity to compete, but also to open doors for them. The Fulbright Taiwan is dedicated to the English co-teaching model and to improve the English literacy in Taiwan more than eleven years. On this journey, every English Teaching Assistants (ETAs) devoted their effort and energy to broaden the impact of the ETA program, so as the TEFL Professors, who provide professional training and counseling. As the TEFL professor of the year, Dr. Chiung-yao Ho has hold 25 workshops in Yilan, Taichung, Kaohsiung, and Kinmen for 33 ETAs and more than 70 local English teachers. After one year of observation and research, Dr. Ho answers the question “Does cross-cultural co-teaching work?” with tremendous confidence.   英語教師訓練之我見:傅爾布萊特系列講座     把英文學好,不止能提升學生的競爭力,也是替生命開一扇窗。台灣傅爾布萊特在英語協同教學領域耕耘了十一個年頭。過程中,除了每位英語協同教師的活力與努力之外,英語教學顧問與其帶領的培訓課程也功不可沒。何瓊瑤教授在台灣十個月的時間主持了25場工作坊,協助分布於宜蘭、台中、高雄、金門等33位美籍英語協同教師與70多位台灣籍本地教師提升他們的英語教學。在何教授駐台的一年之中,她反覆自問如何讓跨文化協同教學方法更有效,經過一年多的資料蒐集與分析後,她最後得到了令人滿意的答案。     何瓊瑤博士任教於美國德州休士頓孤星學院希費校區,專長於英語為第二語言的教學。她同時為Cambridge CELTA (劍橋成人英語語言教學) 培訓認證講師。何教授在英語為第二語言的教學這個領域已有超過15年的教學經驗,並於TESOL及NAFSA等國際年會發表。

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A Dynamic Dialogue

    What is the best way to connect with the local people and kids? Six Fulbright English Teaching Assistants (ETAs) Leah Apple, Elizabeth Matthews, Catherine Purdy, Christina Adelakun, Karissa Moy, and Nia Spooner found DANCING is the answer. Through this novel project “Kinmen Flash Mob,”they built a strong bond with their students and co-teachers on this small island, Kinmen, next to China.     快閃舞這個新奇的概念對金門的學生而言,就如同和美國英語協同教師面對面說英文一樣,­既愛又怕受傷害。金門縣的外師利用課餘的時間透過舞蹈和當地學生、老師、社區舞成一片­。在這六位傅爾布萊特英語協同教師的努力下,學習英語就跟扭動身體一樣好玩有趣了! A video by Jonah Stern (http://www.spexoflight.com)

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Sharing Diversity in the Taiwanese Classroom

     In slow-motion, I peer over my left shoulder to see the enthusiastic local English teacher (LET) that I am scheduled to teach with during the 2012-2013 academic year. She clenches her fists shouting, “加油, 加油” (good luck). All the while, a cacophony thrums through the elementary school hallways as the entire school gathers in the courtyard for the school assembly. In a matter of seconds, time returns to its accelerated pace, as the principal of the school invites me to the stage. He is introducing me to the one-thousand plus students. I am overwhelmed by the energy onstage; he commands the audience. They respond appropriately, and in a humbling and warm Chinese introduction, he ushers me to the stage. That is when I—in my pristine Kenneth Cole dress shoes, suffocating khakis, and wrinkled polo from Old Navy—am likened to President Obama.          Being compared to a respected global leader is certainly a compliment; yet being consistently compared to NBA players, hip-hop artists and President Obama gives me reason to question: What narratives of certain groups of people in the United States are being exported to foreign countries? I share no similarities with President Obama aside

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Christine Yeh: Cultural Empowerment for Atayal Students

    Dr. Christine Yeh entered a 99 percent Indigenous community in Yilan, Taiwan to develop cultural Empowerment program. She focused on the community-school base in her curriculum development and assessment and she identified a niche emphasizing ethnic identity and educational opportunity. Dr. Yeh worked closely with Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA), Mikael Owunna, and a local English teacher, Jennifer Huang, to establish this curriculum about cultural empowerment. The exciting results and student work will be displayed in a 2014 exhibition in the National Taiwan Museum. 台灣泰雅學童的文化賦權     葉晶博士深入宜蘭縣南澳鄉協助泰雅族部落開發文化賦權課程。她的研究主要圍繞著以社區和學校為基礎的課程建構與評鑑,尤其著重在族群認同及教育機會等。她與宜蘭英語協同教師Mikael Owunna及本地英語教師黃嘉雯共同開發了一系列的文化賦權課程,並預計於2014年於國立臺灣博物館展出相關成果。

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Yilin Sun: Building knowledge in a co-teaching setting

     Dr. Yilin Sun provided training and advice for the American English teachers in the Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) program 2011-12. In this video, she shares her experiences in the TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) field. During her time in Taiwan, she developed a case study book to expand the resources for ETAs. The book summarized 30 scenarios that ETAs may encounter during their teaching in Taiwan. The case book is also an important milestone celebrating the 10th year of the Fulbright English co-teaching program in Taiwan. In addition to her work with the ETA program, Yilin also served as a Visiting Professor in the English Dept of National Taiwan Normal University. She gave seminars to faculty and students and also taught a graduate course. Back in the United States, Dr. Sun is a full time professor at South Seattle Community College. 英語協同教學的知識建構     孫以琳教授於2011-2012年獲得獎助來台提供”傅爾布萊特英語協同教學計劃”專­業的英語教學建議。訪台期間她不只分享了她擅長的TESOL教法(英語做為第二種語言­),並完成了”台灣英語協同教學案例 (Voices of Taiwan)”,內含30個實用的協同教學案例,供未來參與計畫的老師參考。這本書­的出版,也為進入到第十年的傅爾布萊特英語協同教學計畫提供了一個重要的里程碑。

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal