fulbright Taiwan online journal

Tag: research

Kurt Stallmann: Discovering the stories through “Sounds of Taipei”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jaMbe5I_6k     Sounds in the city are everywhere but can be easily ignored. However, they are very dynamic and precious for sound artists. The sounds of scooters, the voices selling in the night markets, the bell in the temples, every sound has profound meanings which shape a city’s identity.     Dr. Kurt Stallmann, an artist/professor from Rice University, sponsored by Fulbright scholarship, devotes himself to breaking the boundary between sounds and music. Dr. Stallmann collects and analyzes the unique identity of Taipei’s sounds and collaborates with the Taiwan Music Institute and several Taiwanese musicians to tell stories about the “Sounds of Taipei.” 台北的聲音:傅爾布萊特系列講座     城市中無處不在而卻常被忽略的聲音,聲音藝術家卻總能聽出不同的端倪。機車聲,夜市叫­賣聲,寺廟的鐘聲,每一種環境聲都有其背後的意涵,而每一座城市都有其獨特的聲音個性­。來自萊斯大學的史特丞教授暨藝術家透過傅爾布萊特獎學金的贊助,致力于打破聲音與音­樂之間的界限。他與台灣傳統藝術中心音樂館及多位台灣音樂家合作,透過蒐集與分析臺北­獨特的聲音個性,記錄了一個又一個的臺北聲音故事。     史特承博士同時身兼作曲家、表演者、即興演奏家等角色並時常跨領域與不同的藝術家合作。他不只擅長於樂器演奏同時也使用科技音樂與環境聲音進行創作。史特承博士現任美國萊斯大學薛弗音樂學院電子音樂中心主任及副教授。

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Amber Kao: Dance to strengthen my roots

     Through dancing, Amber Kao tackles the ethnicity and identity issue she deals with every day. Dance brought her to her parent’s homeland and she has learned a whole new choreographic language with the master Lin Hwai-min and the Cloud Gate Theatre Dance Company. As a Fulbright fellow, Amber has also actively participated in performances around Taiwan sharing her passion for arts with the elementary students.     透過舞蹈,高恩倍致力於詮釋她常需面對的種族身分議題。也是經由舞蹈,她重新踏上台灣的土地,向林懷民老師與雲門舞集一同學習全新的語言。身為傅爾布萊特青年學人,在練舞、表演之餘,高恩倍也積極前往中小學演出,將她對藝術的熱情與台灣學生分享。

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Barbara Foster: Printmaking in the age of digital everything

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NorY0XNK09A    With the rapid evolution of digital technology, digital printing has become an indispensable commercial and artistic tool. However, due to the popularity and low-cost of the printing tools, will the art and artists of printmaking become extinct? Can the print-making art mingle with the other forms of contemporary arts to create a new medium? Barbara Foster, a professor from the San Francisco State University guides fine art students at the National Taiwan Normal University to break boundaries and explore this interdisciplinary realm. 融合古代和當代科技跨越一直的空間:共同來場藝術印刷的探索冒險     在數位科技的蓬勃發展的今日,數位印刷已成為日常中不可或缺的工具 。然而,隨著數位印刷的普及與低廉的價格,流傳已久的印刷技術與藝術是否能繼續與其他各種新型式的藝術結合,在當代藝術當中占有一席之地?來自美國舊金山州立大學的方艾莫教授將帶領台灣師範大學藝術系繪畫組的學生一同打破各種限制,一起探索這個跨領域的新境界。     方艾莫女士為舊金山州立大學藝術系教授,其透過產學合作致力於混合印刷製程技術的創新,且為該業界公認的專家。方教授目前以傅爾布萊特獎學金資深學者的身分在國立台灣師範大學美術學系擔任客座教授,講授透過文化和素材來研究後數位版畫

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Simon Levin: Finding the new possibilities of local clay

    As an artist, one of Simon Levin‘s passions is a search for cultural identity. He believes indigenous clay is a metaphor for the malleable foundation upon which we respond to the world. Simon’s Fulbright journey has lead him to dig, process, test and explore the properties of domestic clay in the U.S. and Taiwan, re-introducing materials and local potential to the Taiwanese academic studio environment. 賽烈文(Simon Levin)陶藝個展:異相凝合     陶藝家賽烈文擅長運用傳統柴燒工藝與陶土釉藥實驗創作色彩斑斕的陶藝品。賽老師希望透過創作打破外來與本地陶土的貴賤高低之別,重新發現台灣陶土的可能性。他將分享他對本地陶土、文化以及台灣創作環境的觀察。     賽烈文先生是2012-2013傅爾布萊特資深學者,目前為台南藝術大學訪問學者。

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A Dynamic Dialogue

    What is the best way to connect with the local people and kids? Six Fulbright English Teaching Assistants (ETAs) Leah Apple, Elizabeth Matthews, Catherine Purdy, Christina Adelakun, Karissa Moy, and Nia Spooner found DANCING is the answer. Through this novel project “Kinmen Flash Mob,”they built a strong bond with their students and co-teachers on this small island, Kinmen, next to China.     快閃舞這個新奇的概念對金門的學生而言,就如同和美國英語協同教師面對面說英文一樣,­既愛又怕受傷害。金門縣的外師利用課餘的時間透過舞蹈和當地學生、老師、社區舞成一片­。在這六位傅爾布萊特英語協同教師的努力下,學習英語就跟扭動身體一樣好玩有趣了! A video by Jonah Stern (http://www.spexoflight.com)

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Amber Kao: Mirrors of Time

Mirrors of Time – Amber Kao, dancer and choreographer in collaboration with pianist and composer, Ming-Hsiu Yen premiered, Mirrors of Time, on October 18th, 2013, at Taipei National University of the Arts. The colossal size of the two-story, membership-only wholesale club had me mesmerized before I entered. I was stunned at the sight of the massive warehouse vibrant with business. I walked through the aisles of Costco gathering items off my grocery list, happily noticing familiar brands from back home. Spotting “Pepperidge Farm” and “Ziplock” products momentarily transported me out of Taiwan. I tightly clutched an extra-large sack of string cheese like a prized possession. That evening, I contentedly piled my harvest into a tall tower with the jumbo pack of toilet paper as the base and the super-sized bag of carrot sticks at the top. As I stepped back to gaze at my stash of goods, a rush of familiarity flooded my senses. Oddly, the bulk-sized convenience-driven products reminded me of home. Somehow, large super-sized bundles just didn’t seem to fit with my impressions thus far of Taiwan. The trip to Costco revealed how I had ventured from my previous comforts and habits and highlighted the path that I

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Yilin Sun: Building knowledge in a co-teaching setting

     Dr. Yilin Sun provided training and advice for the American English teachers in the Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) program 2011-12. In this video, she shares her experiences in the TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) field. During her time in Taiwan, she developed a case study book to expand the resources for ETAs. The book summarized 30 scenarios that ETAs may encounter during their teaching in Taiwan. The case book is also an important milestone celebrating the 10th year of the Fulbright English co-teaching program in Taiwan. In addition to her work with the ETA program, Yilin also served as a Visiting Professor in the English Dept of National Taiwan Normal University. She gave seminars to faculty and students and also taught a graduate course. Back in the United States, Dr. Sun is a full time professor at South Seattle Community College. 英語協同教學的知識建構     孫以琳教授於2011-2012年獲得獎助來台提供”傅爾布萊特英語協同教學計劃”專­業的英語教學建議。訪台期間她不只分享了她擅長的TESOL教法(英語做為第二種語言­),並完成了”台灣英語協同教學案例 (Voices of Taiwan)”,內含30個實用的協同教學案例,供未來參與計畫的老師參考。這本書­的出版,也為進入到第十年的傅爾布萊特英語協同教學計畫提供了一個重要的里程碑。

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal