fulbright Taiwan online journal

Tag: research

Jason Protass: New Perspectives on Old Buddhist Poetry

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEwZJFJmRrQ    Jason Protass shares his research on Daoqian (道潛), a Buddhist monk lived in Song Dynasty, who is a close friend of Shu-shi (蘇軾). There was a large amount of Daoqian’s poetry survived and gave Jason an opportunity to look at the poetry used in social situation, in different kinds of poetry games, and other things monks would participate in that period of time. Jason also shares his observation of the research environment and resources in Academia Sinica in Taiwan with the support of Fulbright Scholarship.     Jason Protass is a Ph.D. candidate at Stanford University’s Department of Religious Studies and affiliated with the Ho Center for Buddhist Studies at Stanford. Previously a visiting researcher at Ryukoku University in Kyoto, Japan. Jason has been working on his dissertation this year at Academia Sinica’s Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy. 古老佛教禪師的新觀點:傅爾布萊特系列講座     這場講座將介紹研究佛教和詩詞的基本問題和研究方法。蒲傑聖將從今年在台灣所進行的研究中舉例說明,並提出未來研究方向的計劃。     蒲傑聖為史丹佛大學宗教學研究所的博士候選人,並與史丹佛大學何鴻毅家族基金佛學研究中心合作進行研究。早前他曾前往日本京都的龍谷大學擔任訪問學人。本年度他獲得傅爾布萊特獎學金,於中央研究院中國文哲研究所致力於他的論文研究。

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Charles Musgrove: Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall and the Emergence of Democracy in Taiwan

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMeab3DKXXA    Fulbright Senior Scholar Dr. Charles Musgrove discusses how the impressive Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall in central Taipei has defied the original intentions of its creators to become a popular lightning rod of democratic activity.     Dr. Charles Musgrove is Associate Professor of History at St. Mary’s College of Maryland. He is the author of China’s Contested Capital:Architecture, Ritual and Response in Nanjing (University of Hawaii Press, 2013) which investigates the construction of Nanjing as the “model capital” of China under Nationalist Party (KMT) rule. Read more about Dr. Musgrove’s observation, please also read: Preliminary Reflections on the CKS Memorial Hall (https://journal.fulbright.org.tw/index.php/about-taiwan/essays/item/88-preliminary-reflections-on-the-chiang-kai-shek-memorial-hall) 回溯以往-中正紀念堂與台灣民主的興起 – 傅爾布萊特系列講座     坐落在台北市中心的中正紀念堂似乎已違背了設立者的原始構想,成為民主活動的指標,傅爾布萊特資深學者莫林博士歡迎大家一同來討論這個特殊的歷史現象。    莫林博士為馬里蘭州聖瑪麗學院歷史學系之副教授。他於2013年出版《國民政府爭議性之首都:南京的建築、儀式和反響》一書。內容談及南京在國民黨的治理及建設下成為國民政府的模範首都。

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Rodney Winther: Conducting My Way Through Taiwan (Music… not Trains!)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHrJD6ZD2Fc    Professor Rodney Winther shared his conducting and teaching life at Shih Chien University, with the Taiwan Wind Ensemble, and through musical outreach in this video. At Shih Chien, he conducts the University Orchestra, the University Wind Ensemble and teaches graduate conducting. Professor Winther is retired from the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, where he is Professor Emeritus of Music. He is a Fulbright Senior Scholar during 2013-2014 in Taiwan. 音樂列車長:指揮家在台灣的音樂旅程      溫瑟爾教授目前以傅爾布萊特資深學者的身分在實踐大學擔任客座教授。同時也為實踐大學音樂系管樂團的客座指揮家,並指導此校之管樂指揮碩士班。溫教授甫退休於美國辛辛那提音樂學院,為該系的榮譽教授。本次演講著重於溫瑟爾教授於實踐大學、台灣管樂團及各地巡迴演出的指揮經驗。

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Philip Brown: Dam(ned) Imperialism: The Case of the Wusantou Dam

    Dr. Philip Brown examines an unusual Japanese colonial enterprise that has been remembered not as the epitome of imperialistic evil, but in highly laudatory terms, especially since democratization in Taiwan. He was exploring the development of the Jianan water control project constructed between 1920 and 1930 under Japanese colonial rule and the ways it has been remembered in Taiwan over the years since its completion.     Dr. Philip Brown is Professor of Japanese and East Asian History at The Ohio State University. He is a 2013-2014 Fulbright Senior Scholar at the Institute of Taiwan History at the Academia Sinica. “壩”氣帝國主義? 嘉南大圳水利工程的建設與回憶     日本殖民統治台灣時期所建設的水利工程不但受到實行民主制度後的台灣高度讚賞,而且不被認為是邪惡帝國主義下的建設。菲力浦教授於此影片討論於1920年到1930年間,台灣在日本政府殖民統治下,所建造完成的嘉南大圳水利工程,與其特殊的歷史意義。     菲力浦博士為俄亥俄州立大學日本與東亞歷史系之教授。他是2013-2014傅爾布萊特獎學金的獲獎學者,於中央研究院台灣史研究所進行相關研究。

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Benjamin Brose: Xuanzang’s Skull

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVuwUTwAJQI    Dr. Benjamin Brose discusses some of the ways Buddhist relics have been employed by modern political regimes to evoke patriotic sentiments at home and to establish diplomatic and economic alliances abroad. He is currently conducting research on modern representations of the Tang monk, pilgrim, and scholar Xuanzang (600?-664).    Benjamin Brose received his Ph.D. from Stanford University in 2009 and is now Assistant Professor of Chinese Buddhism at the University of Michigan.   玄奘頂骨-當代亞洲的佛教和民族主義以及外交 – 傅爾布萊特系列講座     這場講座由傅爾布萊特訪問學者本博澤博士將討論佛教文物如何被現代政權作為喚醒愛國意識、確立外交地位與促成海外經濟聯盟的手段。    本博澤博士為美國密西根大學宗教學研究所助理教授,他於2009年獲得美國史丹佛大學博士學位。他目前專注於研究當代對於一個虔誠朝聖者-唐僧玄奘大師(600?-664)之表述詮釋。

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My Reflections

    Taiwan is a welcoming, multicultural environment offering wonderful opportunities to international scholars. I have known Taiwan for 30 years, having first come at age 28 to teach English for a summer at the Tainan YMCA, and returning a year later for Chinese language study at the Stanford Center at National Taiwan University.  After earning my PhD in East Asian Studies from the University of British Columbia in 1990, I have made several more trips to Taiwan:  as a research scholar at Academia Sinica in the summer of 1996, as a guest professor of history at National Chengkung University in the spring of 2012, and now as a Senior Fulbright Scholar at Tunghai University.  Tunghai University is a highly regarded private university in central Taiwan, founded in 1955 by the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia.  Its motto is “Sustainability on the Foundation of Liberal Arts.” In the course of my fruitful five months at Tunghai, I have dedicated myself to collaborative work between Trinity University and the International College at Tunghai University.  I have contributed to the strong relationship between these two institutions and our two countries in three areas:  service, teaching, and research.    

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Robert Anthony Siegel: An American Novelist in Taiwan

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7p2201fvRI    Robert Anthony Siegel is an associate professor in the Department of Creative Writing at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. He is the author of two novels, All the Money in the World and All Will Be Revealed. His awards include O. Henry and Pushcart Prizes, and fellowships from the North Carolina Arts Council, the Michener/Copernicus Society and the Fine Arts Work Center at Provincetown. He talks about his Fulbright experience of living, writing and teaching at Tunghai University, in Taichung.   美國小說家in台灣:這一年來的寫作及教書經驗分享(包括用錯中文的趣談)     席博安教授是美國北卡羅萊納州威爾明頓創意寫作學系的副教授。他曾出版《All the Money in the World》和《All Will Be Revealed》兩本小說。並榮獲歐亨利文學獎、手推車小說獎、北卡羅萊納藝術協會、米奇納-哥白尼和普文斯鎮藝術工作中心等機構的獎學金。他將和大家分享他在台中東海大學的生活、教書以及寫作的經驗。

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Teagan Adamson: Build knowledge to save lives

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNTA739TDk0 Teagan Adamson received her M.S. in Biomedical Engineering in 2013 from Arizona State University with a focus in biosensors and nanotechnology for disease applications. As a dual Fulbright-Whitaker Fellow at Academia Sinica’s Institute of Biomedical Sciences, she is working to engineer new molecules capable of improving current breast cancer treatment. 艾婷安在2013年於亞利桑那州立大學獲得生物醫學工程的碩士學位,她主要研究生物傳­感器和奈米技術在疾病上的應用。她不但獲得本年度的傅爾布萊特獎學金,同時也是惠特克­生物醫學工程獎學金的獲獎學者,其目前在中央研究院生物醫學研究所,致力於研究改善目­前乳癌治療的新分子。

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Late-Imperial Bibliographic Studies and Digital Quantitative Analysis

       Modern scholars of late-Imperial Chinese literature benefit from collected texts printed during the Ming and Qing dynasties that are supplemented with bibliographic information on both extant and non-extant books. Cataloging old texts was traditionally an important part of late-Imperial Chinese scholarship. Scholars closely researched important works by exploring their textual histories, identifying forgeries, and tracing their provenance. Some of this information was eventually preserved in large annotated indexes.        Publishing houses also printed compilations of popular texts and sometimes reprinted entire libraries. Though some were commercial products, other endeavors aimed to preserve (particularly those sponsored by the government). Many examples of this exist, the most famous being the 18th century The Complete Library of the Four Treasuries (Si ku quan shu 四庫全書), compiled under the Qianlong (乾隆) emperor.  This was accompanied by An Index of Summaries of the Complete Library of the Four Treasuries (Si ku quan shu zong mu ti yao 四庫全書總目提要), a bibliographic index that provided short descriptions of the titles within, as well as many that were not included in the Si ku quan shu.  This tendency to publish collections of older books was common and likely lead to the preservation of

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Chiung-yao Ho: Does cross-cultural co-teaching work?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCk33Nlh_1w     To learn English well is not only critical to increase students’ capacity to compete, but also to open doors for them. The Fulbright Taiwan is dedicated to the English co-teaching model and to improve the English literacy in Taiwan more than eleven years. On this journey, every English Teaching Assistants (ETAs) devoted their effort and energy to broaden the impact of the ETA program, so as the TEFL Professors, who provide professional training and counseling. As the TEFL professor of the year, Dr. Chiung-yao Ho has hold 25 workshops in Yilan, Taichung, Kaohsiung, and Kinmen for 33 ETAs and more than 70 local English teachers. After one year of observation and research, Dr. Ho answers the question “Does cross-cultural co-teaching work?” with tremendous confidence.   英語教師訓練之我見:傅爾布萊特系列講座     把英文學好,不止能提升學生的競爭力,也是替生命開一扇窗。台灣傅爾布萊特在英語協同教學領域耕耘了十一個年頭。過程中,除了每位英語協同教師的活力與努力之外,英語教學顧問與其帶領的培訓課程也功不可沒。何瓊瑤教授在台灣十個月的時間主持了25場工作坊,協助分布於宜蘭、台中、高雄、金門等33位美籍英語協同教師與70多位台灣籍本地教師提升他們的英語教學。在何教授駐台的一年之中,她反覆自問如何讓跨文化協同教學方法更有效,經過一年多的資料蒐集與分析後,她最後得到了令人滿意的答案。     何瓊瑤博士任教於美國德州休士頓孤星學院希費校區,專長於英語為第二語言的教學。她同時為Cambridge CELTA (劍橋成人英語語言教學) 培訓認證講師。何教授在英語為第二語言的教學這個領域已有超過15年的教學經驗,並於TESOL及NAFSA等國際年會發表。

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal