fulbright Taiwan online journal

Tag: English

Researching health misinformation and digital literacy in the interdisciplinary Harvard Yenching Institute

I felt honored to have been awarded the Fulbright Senior Scholar Grant (2022-August) to visit the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Harvard University. Having received my Ph.D. in the U.S. many years ago, I am very glad to return once again as a Harvard visiting scholar in Boston. It is also a privilege to be selected as the visiting scholar of Harvard Yenching Institute (HYI), a prestigious foundation founded in 1928 and dedicated to advancing Asian higher education by cultivating excellent scholars in humanities and social sciences.

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A Rewarding Experience in Taiwan

The central focus of my research in Taiwan is character teaching. The Chinese writing system presents the “highest contrast” to alphabetic languages,

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British Art History in the US: My Time at Yale

I received the 2022/23 Fulbright Senior Research Grant and visited the Department of the History of Art at Yale University between February and August 2023 (see the cover photo where I am in front of the departmental building).

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Indigenous Meets Indigenous: Reflections on Being an Indigenous

A Reflection to Commemorate Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month.  Before coming to Taiwan, I did not expect Taiwan to be where I would reconnect so much with my home culture, Hawai’i.  Throughout this year in Taiwan as a TEFL Advisor, I found that some of my experiences as a young Hawaiian girl were also felt by others 5,200 miles across the Pacific Ocean. The views I have seen growing up and the mixed traditions I have lived share a similar thread with those here. Memories such as comparing pictures of our flower garlands (lei po’o in Hawaiian and aputr in Puyuma language) with a coworker from the Puyuma tribe… Meeting a stranger from the Amis tribe who gave me a honi, a kiss on the left cheek as a greeting… Walking around and seeing wooden canoes, beautifully woven artifacts, shells, feathers, and plants as jewelry, patterned body tattoos, vibrant colors, the moai (megaliths also found in Rapa Nui), the taro patches… Hearing a familiar language on the local train that sounds very similar to my mother’s native language from the Philippines… Seeing preservation and revitalization efforts of the indigenous languages and cultures here… Stumbling upon so many pieces

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Fabulous Formosa: Reflections from the IEA Taiwan Seminar 2023

The Fulbright International Education Administrators (IEA) seminar experience has meant more to me than I ever anticipated it could mean back when I was applying for the grant. The onset of the pandemic and the prolonged delay to our seminar have made this experience feel much more special as we are reminded how critical our work as international educators is. Although the seminar’s postponement was disappointing, its postponement  happened just when it was meant to. Both for Taiwan and the U.S., given the state of geopolitical affairs, but also for me personally as I grow into the international education leader I want to become. Although I will be unpacking this experience for many years, I already see numerous takeaways across both personal and professional domains. Part I: Everything Happens for a Reason – My Takeaways  When I originally applied for the IEA grant in 2019, I was starting a new chapter of my career in international education. After completing my doctoral degree and working seven years in the innovative Study Abroad Office at Arizona State University, I had just moved to Chicago from Phoenix, Arizona. I secured my first director role at a small regional institution in northwest Indiana. My

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本研究以「介入反應模式(Response to Intervention, RTI)」及多層次課程調整(Multi-Tiered Support System, MTSS)為基礎,探究RTI在MTSS融合現場之實務歷程。研究目的有二,分別為: 研究目的一、融合教育現場如何規劃MTSS之實踐

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Taiwan and its Thirst for Education: Impressions of an East Asia Novice

My personal history is inherently international, as someone who had grown up in Germany and moved to the US first to study abroad and eventually for graduate school (a Ph.D. in Latin American history). But I had never traveled to any place on the Asian continent other than eastern Turkey! I had no clear expectations of what I would encounter in Taiwan. The only familiarity I had with East Asia was from general news coverage and conversation with my colleagues at the University of Mississippi, where I direct the Croft Institute for International Studies. The Institute’s program and faculty have a strong focus on East Asia: we offer Chinese, Japanese, and Korean as languages, require our majors to spend a semester abroad in the country where their chosen language is spoken, and host the Chinese Flagship program in our building. We have long had Chinese language instructors from Taiwan, but it was not a country that our Institute focused on until the recent tensions between the US and mainland China when all of our student programs moved from China to Taiwan. I was curious to learn about this place struggling for political recognition. After the two weeks spent there with

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Research & Reflections

fulbright taiwan online journal